Stéphane Arnoux


Misterio Del Palacio Del Eliseo
Stage Director
París, 1895. Madeleinie Gassart, una madre trabajadora de una fábrica de seda, está orgullosa de su hijo, Victor, que trabaja en el Palacio del Elíseo, como asesor gubernamental. Ambos son testigos de un asesinato, pero sabe que su hijo se comporta de una manera extraña, ocultando algo. Cree que su hijo participa en un complot. Ella se enfrenta a una elección imposible: defender al gobierno o los lazos de la sangre.
Portrait d'une jeune femme
Le cinéma français se porte bien
Nos désirs font désordre
La carotte et le bâton
Faced with the increasing commodification of human activity, citizens are getting involved. Artists, teachers, researchers and intellectuals are opposing the social rethinking imagined by the MEDEF and applied by the liberal power. Through a year of debates and actions, they are trying to raise collective and citizen awareness, by recalling the very foundations of our society that once gave birth to Human Rights. The ambition of this film is to give an understanding of this turning point in society, based on the voices raised in the struggle and to question the alternatives made possible by the social movement.