Vladimir Yuzhakov


Production Design
La imagen cuenta la hazaña de los científicos rusos enviados a Svalbard como parte de la expedición ruso-sueca para medir el tamaño y la forma reales del globo.
Guardianes del Tiempo
Production Design
Cónyuges sin hijos, el escritor Andrei y la artista Olga adoptan a Ksyusha, de ocho años. La directora del orfanato donde se crió la niña es la ex novia de Andrei Iren. Todavía ama apasionadamente a Andrei y tiene la intención de devolverlo a toda costa, incluso si para esto tendrá que destruir la felicidad de su familia. Mientras tanto, Andrei está escribiendo una novela de ciencia ficción sobre el lado oscuro de Petersburgo. En las páginas de su libro, la ciudad del Neva se convierte en un mundo fantasmagórico, donde el tiempo mismo se ha detenido y las calles están habitadas por criaturas sin alma. De repente, Ksenia ingresa al mundo del "Petersburgo oscuro" de la novela de Andrey, donde conoce a un misterioso amigo, Paramon. Los héroes están esperando muchas aventuras peligrosas...
Summer Of Sea Buckthorn
Production Design
The film is about the life and death of the outstanding playwright Alexander Vampilov. Life and death, which reflected the era. The two most important meanings are connected in this story. The fate of a simple provincial man who chooses the path of the artist and the love of their native places.
Production Design
Perm, Siberia, 1918. the central Siberian White guard corps under the command of a young general Anatoliy Pepelyaev have taken the city. the army is exhausted and running short on supplies. the General tasks the Permian merchants with collecting the money needed for the survival of the army much to their dismay. madame chagina, a rich widow answers the call and presents general with a massive diamond... only to have it mysteriously disappear the next day. recently sentenced to death red Army investigator Andrei murzin is brought in to nd the precious contribution. murzin must nd the diamond in exchange for a chance to save his life.
The Turn of the Century
Production Design
"The Institute of Conscious Dreams" - the so-called clinic is a mysterious place. True miracles happen here. It is here, during psychedelic sessions, that a door opens into a different reality, into the depths of a person's consciousness and his genetic memory.
Production Design
Production Design
Accidental Waltz
Production Design
Tatyana Prokofievna is an ageing woman with a diva’s behavior, but her life is uneventful, ordinary and dull. To escape the everyday slumber she seeks companionship of young men. She provides shelter and becomes involved in their problems. Her ex-boyfriend has married a younger woman. Tatyana is forced to keep her loneliness hidden because of her role as hostess.