Joey Stack


The Gym Teacher from the Black Lagoon
This animated film centers around a boy named Hubie, the star of the many "Black Lagoon" books by Mike Thaler and Jared Lee. Hubie’s class is getting a new gym teacher, nicknamed “Coach Kong” for his barbaric treatment of the students. Hubie is sure he's doomed...but when he actually gets to gym class, will things be as he expected?
John, Paul, George and Ben
This humorous and factual history of five lads who grew up to become Founding Fathers brings the early days of American history to life with sass and substance, in Lane Smith's inimitable style.
Leonardo, the Terrible Monster
Sam (voice)
Leonardo is truly a terrible monster-terrible at being a monster that is. No matter how hard he tries, he can't seem to frighten anyone. Determined to succeed, Leonardo sets himself to training and research. Finally, he finds a nervous little boy, and scares the tuna salad out of him! But scaring people isn't quite as satisfying as he thought it would be. Leonardo realizes that he might be a terrible, awful monster-but he could be a really good friend.
Reading to Your Bunny
When Freddy's teacher, Mrs. Lapino notices that Freddy has a reading problem, she sends a Book Fairy to talk to his parents to convince them to help him read. Though their initial attempts meet with little success, they try their hardest and teach Freddy to love reading.