Recently retired accountant Richard Flicker attends a life-drawing class and his world is turned upside down when he encounters free-spirited Amelia, the spitting image of a long lost love from decades ago. Grappling with a troubled home front, Richard flirts with the temptation of this second chance at romance.
Recently retired accountant Richard Flicker attends a life-drawing class and his world is turned upside down when he encounters free-spirited Amelia, the spitting image of a long lost love from decades ago. Grappling with a troubled home front, Richard flirts with the temptation of this second chance at romance.
Se centra en una mujer que vive con su madre al mismo tiempo que trabaja en una cárcel. En el trabajo tendrá la oportunidad de demostrar sus habilidades cuando se le asigna la tarea de acompañar a un prisionero que tiene permiso para visitar a su madre que se muere. El viaje no saldrá como estaba planeado.