Visual Effects Coordinator
El teniente Somerset, del departamento de homicidios, está a punto de jubilarse y ser reemplazado por el ambicioso y brillante detective David Mills. Ambos tendrán que colaborar en la resolución de una serie de asesinatos cometidos por un psicópata que toma como base la relación de los siete pecados capitales: gula, pereza, soberbia, avaricia, envidia, lujuria e ira. Los cuerpos de las víctimas, sobre los que el asesino se ensaña de manera impúdica, se convertirán para los policías en un enigma que les obligará a viajar al horror y la barbarie más absoluta.
Creative Consultant
PJ is an orphan with no last name and she has a special wish, she wants someone to love. One night while out riding her grey horse Blaze, PJ gets her wish. The "Wishing Star" shines its magic light on her and her horse and PJ is transported to the gray world of Twinkle Town. There she meets three new friends, Glimmer, Glowee, and Sparks, three lonely children who live there and have been wishing for someone to love them. The Wishing Star has turned Blaze into a beautiful white talking horse and given PJ a crown that talks! Her clothing has changed into a brilliant, sparkling dress, which gives her a last name, she is now PJ Sparkles! She's been given a magic power, the magic of LOVE!