Alison Taylor


El jefe
Ricardo Osorio, jefe de Recursos Humanos de Rioplatense Limitada, vive atascado entre un trabajo que detesta y un hogar que lo deprime. El llanto incesante de su recién nacido, las quejas de su mujer, las peleas con los empleados y las órdenes absurdas de su nuevo jefe lo tienen al borde del abismo. Afortunadamente encuentra algo de felicidad en las jugosas tetas de Ángela, la mejor amiga de su esposa. Dispuesto a cambiar su vida, Osorio toma sus ahorros y comienza una cadena de engaños y traiciones con el fin de escapar junto a su amante.
Louis, a reclusive caretaker, who is kept up every night by wild sex in the apartment above him, is obsessed with making dioramas of ideal suburban scenes. His isolation is broken when Harry, his 10-year-old neighbour decides they must find him a wife. Renee, Louis' perfect match magically appears, and his lessons on how to talk to girls begins. When Louis is ready to take the plunge he musters up all his courage and follows Renee hoping to introduce himself. To his dismay, he realizes that Renee works at a Peep Show and is forced to battle his prejudices and fears in order to find the family he is longing for.