DEAR SANTA, I NEED A DATE tells the comedic story of two successful and ambitious siblings Janelle Vaughn (Gomez-Preston) and Jason Vaughn (Ray J). Their parents, Mr. Vaughn (Jay DeVon Johnson) and Mrs. Vaughn (Johnson), are proud of their children’s flourishing careers but are displeased with their dating lives. Every holiday season, the Vaughn’s anxiously prepare for their children to bring home a significant other only to be disappointed. This year, The Vaughn’s apply pressure by expressing their concerns to Jason and Janelle, which sparks a bet between the siblings on who can find a date by Christmas.
Miss Burgundy
Una chica muy segura de sí misma a la que todo el mundo llama "Dumplin" (Danielle Macdonald) comienza a trabajar en una cadena de comida rápida, donde conoce a un chico que le gusta. Al parecer, la atracción entre ambos es mutua, aunque Dumplin comienza a tener dudas sobre su atractivo físico. Decidida a remediar este problema, y también con el propósito de ganarse el respeto de su madre, una antigua "reina de la belleza" (Jennifer Aniston), Dumplin se inscribe en un concurso de belleza.