Hamid Zoughi


El caftán azul
Halim lleva mucho tiempo casado con Mina, con quien regenta una tienda tradicional de caftanes en la medina de Salé, una de las más antiguas de Marruecos. La pareja vive desde siempre con un secreto que Halim ha aprendido a ocultar, pero la enfermedad de Mina y la llegada a la tienda de un joven aprendiz amenazan con perturbar este equilibrio. Unidos por el amor, cada uno tratará de ayudar al otro a enfrentarse a sus miedos.
A Moroccan drama film that tells the story of a company manager, who helps a girl one night, but she dies in his car and he is accused of killing her. His son tries to help him by offering a bribe to a judge whose son suffers from cancer, but he refuses to offer, He tries to approach the daughter of the judge, deluding it to be a filmmaker to photograph her while changing her clothes This is in order to blackmail her father, but he falls in love with her
The treasure
A film which tells the story of a Moroccan employee named Ahmed who receives a financial subsidy from work. Some of his friends suggest that he invest him in the search for treasures. Then Ahmed neglects his work and his house and becomes obsessed with the treasure.
La Biblia: Jeremías
Jeremías, hijo del sacerdote de Jerusalén y descendiente de Aarón, recibe desde su infancia señales de que ha sido elegido como profeta de la palabra. Sus primeras intervenciones chocan con el pensamiento del Rey Josías, quien le aparta de Jerusalén al ser acusado de no seguir las enseñanzas del Señor.
Un simple fait divers
An old journalist, Omar, remembers the 70s and Salim a young 35-year-old journalist who had dared to investigate a corrupt senior state official. Omar knows it's a fight lost in advance but Salim refuses to let go. He resists because his duty as a journalist and his contempt for the untouchables who believe themselves above the law incite him to take all risks. But one day, the newspapers announce the death of Salim, cowardly murdered by a burglar. In short, a simple fact.
Zeft is the story of a village, of a changing society torn between the background of traditional beliefs and diffuse aspirations for modernity.
About Some Meaningless Events
In search of a subject for their film, a group of directors ask passers-by about their expectations of Moroccan cinema in the streets and bars of Casablanca.
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