La historia de amor de Arturs, de dieciséis años, se ve interrumpida por la Primera Guerra Mundial. Después de perder a su madre y su hogar, encuentra cierto consuelo al unirse al ejército, porque esta es la primera vez que se permiten batallones nacionales en el Imperio Ruso. Pero la guerra no se parece en nada a lo que Arturs imaginó: no hay gloria, no hay justicia. Es brutal y doloroso. Arturs está ahora completamente solo mientras la guerra acaba con la vida de su padre y su hermano. Además, no se avanza en la pronta resolución prometida de la guerra y el regreso oportuno a casa. Con la idea de que solo él se preocupa por regresar a casa y que su tierra natal es solo un patio de recreo para otras naciones, Arturs encuentra la fuerza para la batalla final y finalmente regresa a casa para comenzar todo desde cero, al igual que su país recién nacido.
Two Rigans - Valentīna and Armands - make makeshift yard exhibitions by their homes out of objects they’ve found. They share the same hobby despite not knowing each other. As they’re decorating their little gardens of wonder for the upcoming Midsummer festival, it turns out that they too can find understanding and a sense of not being alone in their dreams.
A high-school folk dancing group heads to Latvian School Youth Song and Dance Festival, an event that takes place every five years and is part of the Latvian national identity – this is the culmination point of five years of work. Away from their homes and parents, they spend seven days and nights together. They are 18 and have just graduated, and this seems to be the last idle summer of their lives. Dreams mix with boredom, silly jokes with serious conversations. Taking care of one another creates affection and grows into a collective power. There are thousands like them at the festival. Every individual sensation turns into a common celebration that becomes more than just a tradition.