Rene Costa

Rene Costa


I was Born in Nicosia Cyprus September 19.. from both Greek Cypriot Parents , my father was an electrician by trade but he loved his business so he gave up his trade and had his own business running a nightclub in Nicosia , at the time that i was born there was a British coup in Cyprus and the country was still under a British hold , my father obviously knew something was about to happen and moved his family out the country to the UK , we than had the War of 61-62 where the EOKA tried to overthrow president Makarios , there were many casualties and many lost their lives, we set up home in England and again my father decided to go back into the nightclub business ... what he didn't know was that was the era of the protection rackets and many memories still haunt me about some of the events, I suppose that is why its made me the person I am, I met my wife at 16 and we were married at 23 still very much in love with three great children and now 5 grandchildren, I love what i am doing and enjoying everything and everyone around me , the Crappers has that about the old tradition of the 60s and 70s in it with some very big Characters,


Rene Costa


El hijo
Hospital Attendant
La ajetreada vida de Peter junto a su nueva pareja Emma y su bebé se convierte en un caos cuando su ex esposa Kate reaparece con su hijo adolescente, Nicholas, un joven problemático con el que es difícil comunicarse, por agresivo y distante, y que acaba de abandonar la escuela.
Swede Caroline
Tom Poole
Set to poke a comedic carrot at the world of competitive vegetable growers.
Casa ajena
Pub Hooligan
Una pareja de refugiados de Sudán, un país arrasado por la guerra, trata de sobrevivir en un pequeño pueblo de Inglaterra hasta que descubren que allí les aguarda un peligroso mal.
Supporting Artist
3 men, considered as losers in their lives by the people, plan to get rich along with their girlfriends by fooling 2 gangsters and robbing their money.
The Take Down
Man in suit 2
Cuando Jack, un sicario de Londres, recupera su vida y la oportunidad de salvar a su hija, se convierte en una carrera contra el tiempo matar o ser asesinado
Namaste England
Chris The Boss
Param and Jasmeet fall in love and they get married. Their perfect romance gets disturbed by Jasmeet’s suppressed ambition however, she has dreams of going to London so that she can pursue her career and build a better life for herself. But Param unable to get a visa and that creates some high drama in their love life.
Charlie y la fábrica de chocolate
Factory Worker (uncredited)
Charlie Bucket (Freddie Highmore), un niño muy bueno de una familia muy pobre, gana un concurso, junto a otros cuatro niños de diferentes partes del mundo, para disfrutar de una visita durante todo un día a la gigantesca fábrica de chocolate dirigida por el excéntrico Willy Wonka (Johnny Depp) y su equipo de Oompa-Loompas. La fábrica se parece a un mundo fantástico y mágico lleno de diferentes sabores, todos muy dulces.
El regreso de la momia
Digger (uncredited)
Han pasado diez años, Rick O'Connell se ha casado con Evelyn, y ambos son padres del pequeño Alex, de ocho años. Cuando, tras una serie de acontecimientos, la momia del antiguo sacerdote egipcio Im-Ho-Tep es resucitada por una extraña secta en el British Museum, y la maldición milenaria del Rey Escorpión -que seis mil años atrás traicionó al dios Anubis- lo devuelve a la vida, el choque entre ambas fuerzas malignas desencadenará el caos en el mundo... si Rick y Evelyn no consiguen evitarlo.