James Bowers


The Adventures of Young Indiana Jones: Love's Sweet Song
London News Vendor
In the seventh film in the series, in April 1916, a disillusioned Indy hops the ocean to Europe where he figures the Great War might offer him a greater sense of purpose.
The Fortunes and Misfortunes of Moll Flanders
After being born in prison, Moll Flanders wends her way through the top and bottom of 18th-century English society, has five husbands and many male and female lovers, travels to America and back again, and in general discovers all that is cruel and sweet in life.
Dangerous Lady
No one thinks a seventeen-year-old girl can take on the hard men of London's gangland, but it's a mistake to underestimate Maura Ryan: she's tough, clever and beautiful - which makes her one very dangerous lady. Together, she and her brother Michael are unbeatable but notoriety has its price. The police are determined to put Maura away once and for all - and not everyone in the family think that's such a bad idea. When it comes to the crunch, Maura has to face the pain of lost love in her past - and the dangerous lady discovers her heart is not make entirely of stone.
La horca depende de la gramática
Police Officer
En Inglaterra, corriendo la década de los 50, el torpe Derek Bentley se incorpora a un grupo de delincuentes menores que lidera Chris Craig, un adolescente que se deshace por los filmes de gángsteres norteamericanos. La amistad que surge entre ambos les conduce hacia la implicación en un caso auténtico en el que el jurado condenó a muerte a Derek Bentley por el asesinato de un oficial de la policía pistola en mano. El caso Bentley hizo mella en la conciencia social de Inglaterra poniendo en duda la razón de ser de la pena capital.
La radio pirata
Londres, 1977. Chris y Caz llevan una radio pirata que emite soul y funk. Alguien asesina a su amigo TJ, que es homosexual, y empiezan a investigar a Chris y a su novia como sospechosos. Por otro lado, Caz entabla una relación con un punk llamado Billibud, que destapa todo un conflicto de racismo y homofobia. Young Soul Rebels, thriller y drama social a su vez, refleja el hervidero de subculturas, razas y opciones sexuales del Londres de los años previos a la era Thatcher.
The Savage Bees
Morgue Technician
In this horror-drama the festive fun of the annual Mardi Gras celebration is brought to a halt when a swarm of African killer bees escape from a foreign freighter.