Una mujer con una vida aparentemente ideal, Siu Man es abandonada por su esposo en parte debido a su miedo a la intimidad. Después de varias crisis vitales, decide reiniciar su vida al hacerse cargo del restaurante de su padre. Siu Man finalmente se siente atraida por su nuevo chef, un espíritu libre que trata la cocina como una filosofía seria. Cansada de los grilletes que se colocó, Siu Man se embarca en un viaje de autodescubrimiento y liberación sexual.
In this colourfully crafted 360° virtual reality, we see a mysterious island floating in the sky. There grows a magical tree, ever growing and moving. With no man-made creations in sight, the world around The Tree is pure Nature. Our footsteps take us to a fun encounter with Silili. Our ears receive and perceive her sometimes cryptic words. Our eyes are filled with wonder and colours in this engaging reality. Our hands reach out to delightful things and phenomena summoned by Silili’s mighty power. Every little reaction and every little movement of ours will bring about different outcomes. A time to experience, a time to test, a time to discern, a time to end. ‘Master Silili’ will guide us through all these. The rest is down to us - in the face of precariousness, let us feel our way towards insight and spiritual gain.