Tomasz Więcek


En nombre de la tierra
Cuenta la historia de una campesina, Jagna, obligada a casarse con un granjero rico y mucho mayor, Boryna, a pesar de que ella está enamorada de su hijo, Antek. Con el tiempo, Jagna se convierte en objeto de envidia y odio de los aldeanos, y tiene que luchar para preservar su independencia. Ambientada en la campiña polaca en la cúspide de los siglos XIX y XX, los giros dramáticos de la historia se relacionan con los cambios de estación, el trabajo duro en el campo y las fiestas tradicionales locales. La novela de Wladyslaw Reymont será llevada a la pantalla con una animación de pinturas realistas y pre-impresionistas al estilo de la pintura polaca del siglo XIX.
Raz, jeszcze raz
The movie is an attractive comedy of mistakes with large dose of humor and action. At the same time it is a sentimental story about group of friends who grew up in the same town in the 90s, taking their first steps into adulthood together. The story is about boys form Sopot who 20 years ago were a best friends for life. They had a band, they graduated from Hight school together. As a result of a various circumstances the group of friends fell apart and each of the boys went their own way. We meet the characters when they are 40 years old. They live in different cities, have different professions and lives. Theirs everyday life is interrupted by an unexpected visitor - a women who turns out to be the fiancée of the member of the former group. She invites them to a bachelor party - a surprise for her future husband. Despite their doubts the men come to their hometown to learn that old friend is dead.