Aaron Elliott


Aaron Elliott is a Canadian Data Management Technician, Data Consultant and Colourist. He worked in the Halifax film industry and moved back to Newfoundland in 2012.


Nalujuk Night
Assistant Editor
Nalujuk Night is an up close look at an exhilarating, and sometimes terrifying, Labrador Inuit tradition. Every January 6th from the dark of the Nunatsiavut night, the Nalujuit appear on the sea ice. They walk on two legs, yet their faces are animalistic, skeletal, and otherworldly. Snow crunches underfoot as they approach their destination: the Inuit community of Nain. Despite the frights, Nalujuk Night is a beloved annual event, showing that sometimes it can be fun to be scared. Rarely witnessed outside of Nunatsiavut, this annual event is an exciting chance for Inuit, young and old, to prove their courage and come together as a community to celebrate culture and tradition. Inuk filmmaker Jennie Williams brings audiences directly into the action in this bone-chilling black and white short documentary about a winter night like no other.
Data Management Technician
When a single mom, facing eviction, is offered a night’s work, she unsuccessfully seeks a babysitter for her two small children. Desperate, she reaches out to the last person she wants to ask for a favour.
Maudie, el color de la vida
Digital Imaging Technician
Maud Dowley (Sally Hawkins) es una mujer alegre de Nueva Escocia que sueña con independizarse de su protectora familia. Everett Lewis (Ethan Hawke) es un huraño pescador local que busca asistenta. Tras ver su anuncio, Maudie no tarda en mudarse a casa de Everett para encargarse de las tareas del hogar. Pero lo que comienza siendo una difícil convivencia entre dos polos opuestos poco a poco irá transformándose en una historia de amor... Basada en hechos reales, la película cuenta la historia de la pintora canadiense Maud Lewis, de su relación con el que se convirtió en su inseparable compañero de vida Everett Lewis, y de cómo sus sencillas pinturas llegaron a ser vistas y reconocidas por todos los rincones del país convirtiéndola en una de las artistas folk más representativas de Canadá.
The Next Step Live: The Movie
Camera Operator
The film features exclusive footage of the dancers from the series "The Next Step", as they prepared for their first-ever tour in Canada. Also includes live performances and exclusive interviews with cast members.