Makeup & Hair
Durante la Segunda Guerra Mundial, millones de judíos de toda Europa son deportados y asesinados en campos de concentración alemanes. Cuando las tropas alemanas invaden Noruega, los judíos noruegos se sienten seguros y protegidos. Pero el antisemitismo no conoce fronteras ya medida que la guerra se intensifica en Europa, la situación cambia drásticamente. De repente, les quitan las radios; sus pasaportes están sellados con una gran J y un día, todos los hombres mayores de 15 años son arrestados y llevados a campos de prisioneros. Muchas de las mujeres que quedaron atrás están demasiado asustadas para escapar y esperan desesperadamente que sus esposos e hijos regresen a casa. El 26 de noviembre de 1942, cientos de judíos son detenidos por la policía en medio de la noche y transportados al muelle de Oslo. Hombres, mujeres, niños, enfermos y ancianos, sin saberlo y asustados, son obligados a subir a bordo del buque de carga alemán "SS DONAU".
Makeup & Hair
The true story of Sonja Henie, one of the world's greatest athletes and the inventor of modern figure skating, who decides to go to Hollywood in 1936 to become a movie star.
Makeup & Hair
Isabella Eklöf is an unemployed actress in her early thirties. Her friends all enjoy stable relationships, children and successful careers. In order to jump-start her life she decides to lie a bit on her next job application with unexpected consequences.
Makeup Artist
Allt om min buske är en sexkomedi i trädgårdsmiljö om oväntade kärleksförbindelser och avgrundsdjup svartsjuka. Det vackra och välbärgade paret Nils och Karin flyttar in med sin dotter Barbro i det exklusiva villaområdet. I huset intill med den botaniska trädgården bor systrarna Isabel och Lily. Systrarna sköter trädgården och livnär sig på att arrangera guidade turer genom den artrika floran. Mötet med systrarna blir omvälvande för Nils och Karin när deras ordnade tillvaro och noggrant formgivna livsstil ställs på ända. Någon vandaliserar plötsligt den prunkande trädgården och oanade naturkrafter frigörs när jakten på kärlek och trädgårdssabotörer tar sin början...
Makeup Artist
A young man is being bullied by the neighborhood gang in the Swedish projects of Stockholm. But with the help of an alcoholic former martial arts champion he learns the art of Disco Kung Fu to better his situation.
Makeup Artist
The summer of '58, the year Sweden almost won the world championship in soccer over Brazil, Yngve Johansson accepts two children to live with him during the summer, as told through the eyes of a young boy. His name is Mårten, and the other child's name is Annika. She is a rough girl, with many problems. The three of them do not get along, and Yngve is a true dictator to the children's eyes. However, when the children discover that their new guardian has a crush on their teacher (Cecilia Nilsson), they do what they can to bring the two together. Soon enough, the three will discover that they have a lot more in common than they previously imagined, and together they can make their lives worth living again. This is a sweet story about life in Sweden in the mid 1900's. It is about family, love, hate, innocent friendship that we all can relate to, and much, much more...