Giorgio Ferrara

Nacimiento : 1947-01-19, Milan, Lombardy, Italy


The Siege of Venice
Venice, eighteenth century. The young Rosanna, widowed on her wedding day, discovers that she is the sole heir to an enormous patrimony, becoming in this way the most coveted party of the Serenissima.
The Siege of Venice
Venice, eighteenth century. The young Rosanna, widowed on her wedding day, discovers that she is the sole heir to an enormous patrimony, becoming in this way the most coveted party of the Serenissima.
The Siege of Venice
Venice, eighteenth century. The young Rosanna, widowed on her wedding day, discovers that she is the sole heir to an enormous patrimony, becoming in this way the most coveted party of the Serenissima.
Farewell to Enrico Berlinguer
A film of Enrico Berlinguer's funeral in Rome, briefly tracing his career as leader of the Italian Communist Party.
A Simple Heart
Set in a rural area of France in the 19th century, this simple tale tells the story of a servant girl whose life seems marked by grand tragedy, but whose heart is simple and uncomplicated enough not only to endure, but even to attain serenity in the face of her manifold frustrations. Her only friend, to whom she pours out all her troubles, is an old parrot. When the parrot dies, she reverently has it stuffed and continues telling it her woes. This drama is based on a story by Gustave Flaubert.
Luis II de Baviera, el rey loco
Second Assistant Director
En 1864, antes de cumplir los veinte años, Ludwig de Wittelsbach (Luis II, "el rey loco") ocupó el trono de Baviera. El joven rey era generoso y romántico y soñaba con traer la felicidad a su pueblo. Fue un gran mecenas que amaba el arte, la paz y la armonía universal. Sin embargo, por confiar en sus consejeros, llevó a Baviera a una desastrosa guerra que la dejaría en manos de Bismarck. Hasta sus más fieles colaboradores conspiraban contra él; lo traicionó incluso su principal protegido, Richard Wagner. Únicamente su prima Elizabeth ("Sissi"), la esposa del Emperador de Austria, que sentía por él un afecto casi maternal, le fue incondicionalmente fiel. Luchó toda su vida contra su homosexualidad.