Gösta Lycke


The Lady in Black
The married detective couple John and Kajsa Hillman goes on a vacation to Holmfors mill where a friend of Kajsa's lives with her husband. When a young woman is found murdered it is clear that this is another case for the Hillmans.
La señorita Julie
Julia (Anita Björk), hija de un Conde con una infancia infeliz y un matrimonio fracasado, se deja seducir en la noche más corta del año (la noche de San Juan) por un sirviente (Ulf Palme), que la desea desde que era pequeña
Rattens musketörer
Three cab drivers win a big sum of money and try to adjust to their new lifestyles.
Sten Stensson kommer till stan
Sten Stensson from Eslöv has just got his law-degree from the University of Stockholm.
The Wrong Millionaire
Hovmästare på hotellet
The American boat is on its way to Gothenburg. On board are the Swedish-American millionaire Fridolf F. Johnson from Detroit (Håkan Westergren) and his male secretary of the same name (Fridolf Rhudin). The millionaire stays hidden in his cabin with the secretary and does not appear on deck. A journalist arrives out at sea by airplane and asks for an interview, which the millionaire refuses to agree to. The journalist disguises himself as a steward, puts on a hidden camera (a spy camera) in the buttonhole, enters with a tea tray and photographs the wrong person - the secretary.