The Ghost Sonata relates the adventures of a young student, who idealizes the lives of the inhabitants of a stylish apartment building in Stockholm. He makes the acquaintance of the mysterious Jacob Hummel, who helps him to find his way into the apartment, only to find that it is a nest of betrayal and sickness. The world, the student learns, is hell and human beings must suffer to achieve salvation.
Sister Stella
En 1925, el inventor Carl Åkerblom ingresa en un centro psiquiátrico de Upsala a causa de una violenta crisis nerviosa. Allí, con la colaboración de otros pacientes, se propone rodar la primera película sonora de la historia del cine, que trataría sobre los últimos días de la vida de Schubert. En el hospital recibe la inquietante visita de un ambiguo y extraño payaso. Aunque fue creada para la televisión, se exhibió en la sección "Un certain regard", del Festival de Cine de Cannes.
Marie and David are always arguing while their friends Sara and Samuel always seem to be happy together. Or are they? This year they decide to spend Christmas in the mountains together.
Municipal commissioner Tore dies in a plane crash and leaves his wife Monica and children Lena and Klas behind. Through flashbacks by Monica we see how their married life was, with lots of up and downs.
A gunman has taken residency on an uninhabited island and a local man has to deescalate the situation without getting the police involved.