Jérémy Fernandez


Little Ones
Location Manager
Camille, una joven de 16 años embarazada, es enviada a un hogar para madres adolescentes. Separada de su propia madre tóxica, empieza una amistad con Alison, otra chica embarazada y se rebela contra Nadine, una trabajadora social. Estos encuentros cambiarán su vida.
Top Dogs
Location Manager
Antoine and Christian, two long-estranged brothers from Normandy, couldn’t be more different from each other: while the former is happily married with two kids and a successful boat driver, the latter is a facetious globe-trotting hustler who likes to engage in bar fights. But when Antoine starts getting involved in sleazy activities, Christian flies to his rescue. In an unexpected bonding-adventure they take upon themselves to defend the family they thought they’d never be.
Top Dogs
Assistant Unit Manager
Antoine and Christian, two long-estranged brothers from Normandy, couldn’t be more different from each other: while the former is happily married with two kids and a successful boat driver, the latter is a facetious globe-trotting hustler who likes to engage in bar fights. But when Antoine starts getting involved in sleazy activities, Christian flies to his rescue. In an unexpected bonding-adventure they take upon themselves to defend the family they thought they’d never be.
Saturn Bowling
Assistant Location Manager
When their father dies, the ambitious police officer Guillaume offers the management of the bowling alley he inherited to his outcast half-brother Armand. The inheritance is cursed, and the two men wind up in a world of violence.
Saturn Bowling
Assistant Unit Manager
When their father dies, the ambitious police officer Guillaume offers the management of the bowling alley he inherited to his outcast half-brother Armand. The inheritance is cursed, and the two men wind up in a world of violence.
Assistant Unit Manager
Tercera entrega de la trilogía iniciada en 2008 con 'Venganza' y que cuenta con una secuela en 2012 bajo el título 'Venganza: Conexión Estambul', donde Liam Neeson ('Batman Begins') vuelve a meterse en la piel de Bryan, un espía retirado que no dudará en hacer lo necesario a favor de la justicia y la supervivencia.
Assistant Unit Manager
Basada en la novela "Badfellas" de Tonino Benacquista, se adentra en la vida de la peculiar familia de los Manzoni, unos mafiosos italianos que, amparados por un programa de protección de testigos del FBI, se trasladan a Normandía, Francia. Allí tratan de comenzar una vida sosegada y apacible dejando atrás la violencia y las amenazas propias del pasado. Pero a pesar de poner todos sus esfuerzos en adaptarse al nuevo hogar, antes de lo esperado, se ven forzados a emplear sus antiguos métodos para solucionar un imprevisto, recuperando así sus viejos hábitos.