Revson McCabe / Forneus
Philip "HAWK" Hawkins no solo sueña con matar vampiros: come, duerme, bebe y lo respira. Después de ser expulsado del Ejército por apostar a un compañero soldado con un porro de dos por cuatro, Hawk casi muere de aburrimiento trabajando como guardia de seguridad nocturno en un almacén desierto en su ciudad natal de Santa Muerte, California - EE. UU. Justo cuando parece que todas las opciones de Hawk en la vida han expirado, aparecen vampiros sucios chupadores de sangre. Y, por supuesto, nadie le cree. Con la espalda contra la pared, su sudorosa diadema de Karate Kid puesta y hordas de vampiros asesinos sedientos de sangre acercándose, Hawk solicita la ayuda de la única persona que le cree: Revson "REV" McCabe, un vegano tonto. jardinero pacifista. Juntos unen fuerzas para salvar a todo el maldito mundo. Bueno, al menos su ciudad natal de todos modos.
Sam gets the chance to meet his celebrity idol. The only problem is that Sam works in a morgue and his idol is dead.
Lawrence Shaw is a run of the mill guy who just can't get accepted for being who he is. He's not straight enough for his job where he sells testosterone fueled ad campaigns to beer companies and he's not stereotypically gay enough for his boyfriend. To make things worse, his father Elijah just died and his last dying wish was for Lawrence to go on a road trip with his extremely homophobic half-brother Kevin to bury his ashes. It's a heroically dumb journey of brotherly love and acceptance that begs the age old question... Can you truly accept someone else when you can't even accept yourself?"
Lawrence Shaw
Lawrence Shaw is a run of the mill guy who just can't get accepted for being who he is. He's not straight enough for his job where he sells testosterone fueled ad campaigns to beer companies and he's not stereotypically gay enough for his boyfriend. To make things worse, his father Elijah just died and his last dying wish was for Lawrence to go on a road trip with his extremely homophobic half-brother Kevin to bury his ashes. It's a heroically dumb journey of brotherly love and acceptance that begs the age old question... Can you truly accept someone else when you can't even accept yourself?"
A boy invents a way for the sun to always be out.