Director of Photography
In the sixth installment of the Gabriel's Inferno series, Julia deals with the aftermath of Gabriel's departure, while Gabriel goes on a journey of self-discovery. Will they reunite and be able to repair what is broken?
Director of Photography
En la cuarta entrega de la serie Gabriel's Inferno, el profesor Gabriel Emerson se ha embarcado en una aventura apasionada pero clandestina con su ex alumna Julia Mitchell, pero cuando regresan de sus vacaciones románticas en Italia, su felicidad se ve amenazada. ¿Sucumbirá Gabriel al destino de Dante?
Director of Photography
Christmas week can’t get any worse for Jules Jilliland. Dumped by her boyfriend, rear-ended on the freeway, and fired from her job, she finds herself stuck in an elevator with a handsome stranger. When their packages are accidentally swapped, will it end up being a misfortunate accident that suddenly brightens her holidays?
Director of Photography
Note to self: Ask Santa for glasses this year. When Piper accidentally mistook a gorgeous man resting outside her building for a homeless person in need of lunch, things got heated. She was only trying to do a good deed around the holidays, but he called her righteous. She called him something far worse. If only she didn’t have to see him again. But fate has other plans.
Director of Photography
When the one you want… Is the one you can’t seem to have… Can love conquer all?
Director of Photography
The last thing Meredith needed was to share an Uber with Scrooge-a cocky lawyer on a snowy Christmas Eve. It was bad enough she was on her way to court for the gift of eviction. Although maybe today wouldn't turn out so bad after all. She and the Sexy Scrooge started to connect as they trudged their way through a storm. Soon their ride was about to end. But would the ever see each other again? Based on the short story “ Sexy Scrooge” by Vi Keeland and Penelope Ward.
Director of Photography
Basado en la novela más vendida de Sylvain Reynard, el profesor Gabriel Emerson se ha embarcado en un apasionado pero clandestino romance con su antigua alumna, Julia Mitchell.
Director of Photography
El enigmático y atractivo profesor Gabriel Emerson, reconocido especialista en Dante, es un hombre torturado por su pasado y orgulloso del prestigio que ha conseguido, aunque también es consciente de que es un imán para el pecado y, en especial, para la lujuria.
Director of Photography
After fighting hard to be independent and happy, heiress Camille Logan finds her life threatened as a result of one of her father’s business deals. Camille isn’t prepared for the length her father will go to protect her, or for the man he hires to do the job.
Director of Photography
Christmas has always been Carter Pierce's favorite holiday. But with his partner, Dr. Vaughn Bennett, working crazy hours in the ER, it's difficult to make any kind of plans. So when Christmas Day rolls around, Carter expects it will be just another day when he wakes up. Little does he know that Vaughn has a huge surprise up his sleeve-one that will change their lives forever.
Director of Photography
Tras un accidente que puso fin a su carrera, el ex-jugador fichado por la NFL, Ian Hunter, está de vuelta en el campus, y está listo para comenzar un nuevo juego.
Director of Photography
The Amendment is a powerful and inspiring true story of finding triumph over tragedy, injustice, and loss. In 1979, Brooks Douglass and his sister Leslie survived a devastating crime that rocked their community and took their parents’ lives. Initially sent into an emotional tailspin, Brooks regained his footing, became Oklahoma’s youngest state senator, and championed important victims’ rights legislation. It is not until his quest for justice brings him face to face with his parents’ killer that he finds the lessons of his father may hold the answer to finally finding peace.
Director of Photography
Businesswoman Gia Rossi is determined to be successful in her new job, but when her ex lover Jax Rutledge waltzes back into her life, their passionate connection ignites not only in the boardroom, but the bedroom.
Director of Photography
Hollywood arrives in force to Quincy, the small town where the secret Crown Cola billionaire's live. They want to film about the billionaire's and how they made their fortunes. Summer Jenkins, who was the town pariah, joins forces with the scout, Ben, and finds filming locations, extras, lessons with the town officials and house owners, etc. When Cole Masten arrives, they hate each other, but sparks fly. Cole is running from a nasty divorce, yet is captivated by Summer. Summer is dying to leave town to get away from the gossip. This is a great story about Southern customs, a Southern girl, and a Hollywood star who finds his lady.
Director of Photography
Nicole sufre amnesia parcial por un accidente de tren. Sólo recuerda que es profesora de geografía y que tiene un marido que ejerce como abogado. Pero ante extraños sucesos, Nicole cree que su identidad ha sido robada.
Director of Photography
A comedy about a group of struggling actors living in Manhattan. Their lives, heartaches and a plan to help a friend in need by blackmailing a corrupt politician with his own sex tape.
Director of Photography
Following from Bobcat Goldthwait's revelatory documentary, Call Me Lucky, Barry Crimmins' friend Louis CK produced and directed Whatever Threatens You, his first comedy special, at the Lawrence Arts Center in Lawrence, Kansas in June 4th, 2016. It was then subsequently made available for download on Louis CK's website on October 23rd, 2016. The hour-long special is a sharp set of the biting social and political commentary that has defined Crimmins' career, touching upon his beginnings in helping to found the Boston comedy scene, right up to his thoughts on the upcoming 2016 US election.
Director of Photography
Una joven científica viaja a Colombia en busca del tipo de café perfecto. Allí conoce a Diego, el dueño de un cafetal, con el que empezará a trabajar codo con codo y surgirá el amor.
Director of Photography
Una estudiante de secundaria cuyo padre y su hermana fueron asesinados recientemente comienza su propia investigación después de que dos de sus compañeras animadoras son secuestradas. Ella se embarca en una misión de rescate, pero el asesino ya puede estar caliente en su camino.
Camera Operator
Charles Lewis founded TapouT in 1997, prompting a whirlwind life that intersected the birth of a sport. Selling TapouT apparel out of the trunk of his car during road trips throughout California, a hot bed of mixed martial arts in the late 1990s, Lewis took on the superhero persona of “Mask" as he donned war paint on his face and wore outlandish comic book outfits. Mask's vision quickly came to represent hardcore aspects of MMA fandom at a time when the sport floundered under political pressure. The history of MMA cannot be told without mentioning Charles “Mask” Lewis, or the era in which he emerged. On March 11, 2009, Lewis was killed by a drunk driver in Newport Beach, Calif. To honor his contributions, the sport's dominant promoter, the Ultimate Fighting Championship (UFC), posthumously inducted "Mask" as the first and only non-fighter into the UFC Hall of Fame.
Director of Photography
Thomas es un orientador, algo similar a un psicólogo que ayuda a sus pacientes a llevar sus miedos, sus inseguridades y a tener una vida mejor. Uno de esos pacientes es Ángel, el cual está profundamente trastornado. Ángel profundiza en lo que su orientador le enseña, o al menos eso cree su mente enferma, que por supuesto no funciona nada bien y que lo confunde todo. Por eso, cree que tiene que enseñar lo que Thomas le ha enseñado contra él. Lo peor no es que lo use contra Thomas, sino que también lo hace contra su familia. Ángel está loco, pero es inteligente y sabe usar lo que Thomas le ha enseñado. Esto lo usa para que salgan a la luz todos los pecados de juventud de Thomas, el cual tiene muchos como cualquier otra persona. ¿Qué pasará al final con Thomas y su familia? Lo cierto es que corren peligro, pues Ángel puede llegar a matarlos en cualquier momento.
Director of Photography
Cuando una alumna muy popular de la universidad aparece asesinada en el campus, la profesora de derecho penal decide defender a una alumna suya, que ha sido acusada del asesinato. La joven detenida, en principio una estudiante "perfecta", compartía habitación con la víctima, y al parecer, ambas estaban enamoradas del mismo chico. (FILMAFFINITY)
Director of Photography
Mary Walsh (Brittany Murphy), una importante ejecutiva de banca, lleva a su novio Kevin Peterson (Dean Cain) a una operación rutinaria. Kevin tiene fobia a los hospitales, pero Mary le asegura que todo va a salir bien. Cuando la joven se da cuenta de que se ha dejado su Black Berry en casa, con información importante para su trabajo, coge el coche y va a por ella. Pero al volver al hospital, Kevin ya no está...
Director of Photography
As the 1972 baseball season draws to a close and star player Roberto Clemente prepares to knock hit number 3,000 out of the park, two brothers -- one of whom is afflicted with muscular dystrophy -- make the drive from Los Angeles to Pittsburgh in hopes of witnessing sports history in the making. Based on a true story, Chasing 3000 is directed by Gregory J. Lanesey and features Ray Liotta.
Director of Photography
When a Mafia don's right-hand man, a bulldog named Sonny, swallows his ring, comedy ensues as two of the don's best soldiers try and retrieve the ring from Sonny, who has been adopted by a new family
Director of Photography
When a mysterious groupie joins legendary cursed band, "The Dark Knights", a series of unexplained murders derails their comeback tour.
Director of Photography
Emilio is the soulful tale of a young man who leaves his village in Mexico looking for his kidnapped sister. His journey leads him to Los Angeles, where we see the city through the eyes of a penniless illegal immigrant on a desperate quest.
Director of Photography
Brandi (Mena Suvari) es una joven enfermera que, tras salir de una fiesta con un par de copas de más, se encuentra con el cuerpo de un hombre empotrado en el parabrisas de su coche. El miedo a perder su empleo, la lleva a abandonar el cuerpo en el garaje y esperar a que muera. La víctima, pese a su estado, hará lo posible por trastocar sus planes y salir con vida de tan terrible situación... (FILMAFFINITY)
Director of Photography
Todos saben que Marnie Piper es bruja y no sorprende que gane una beca para la Universidad de Brujería de Halloweentown. Con muchas ganas de aprender sobre alquimia, amuletos y pociones, Marnie atraviesa el portal para convertirse en la alumna más popular de la universidad. Pero no todo es lo que parece. Marnie descubre una antigua profecía, y resulta que ella es la clave de un gran secreto.
Director of Photography
Izzy (Robin Tunney) es una joven fotógrafa, felizmente unida y enamorada de Peter (Joel Edgerton), que trabaja en la universidad de Los Ángeles. Pero su mundo idílico quedará destrozado por un brutal acto de violencia.
Director of Photography
Andy (Jeff Bridges) está divorciado de su esposa, quien se ha casado con un tipo agradable y millonario. La esposa lo ha dejado llevándose al hijo adolescente, que está encantado con su nueva vida, sin dejar de querer a su padre. Pero Andy no puede evitar sentirse un fracasado, y poca cosa al lado del padrastro del chico; quiere que su hijo esté orgulloso de él. Andy vive en un pueblito estadounidense, de ésos en los que nada pasa, y en dónde todos se conocen y son amigos. Él se pone a pensar en un plan que lo haga valer a los ojos de su ex-familia y, al reflexionar sobre el hecho de que todo lo que se anuncia y se vende es sexo, sexo y más sexo, se le ocurre que sería una buena idea producir una película porno amateur allí mismo, en el pueblo, involucrando a todos los vecinos.
Director of Photography
Told by a psychic of his imminent death on his next birthday, Jack lives out the year, as a hopeless agoraphobic, until he meets a young woman who slowly coaxes him out of his self imposed bondage.
Director of Photography
Un hombre corriente (William H. Macy), ejecutivo en una importante multinacional, cansado de su vida y de su trabajo, decide abandonarlo todo y aturdirse dando rienda suelta a sus fantasías en el sórdido y peligroso mundo nocturno de una gran ciudad... (FILMAFFINITY)
Director of Photography
Basado en un caso real sobre un asesino en serie que aterrorizó a la población del norte de California a finales de los sesenta.
Director of Photography
Neal Oliver es un joven artista, pero su padre no está de acuerdo con la elección y quiere que vaya a Oxford. Todo cambia cuando Neal conoce a O.W. Grant, que concede exactamente un deseo por persona. Neal pide respuestas, y a partir de entonces deberá encaminarse a la inexistente Dunver por la inexistente Interstate 60, una carretera que no está en los mapas. Durante su viaje, Neal espera encontrar a la chica de sus sueños.
Director of Photography
La mujer de un fabricante de armas es secuestrada por un hombre que busca venganza por la muerte de su hija durante un tiroteo en una escuela. Todo empieza cuando Joe (Wesley Snipes), un padre desesperado tras el asesinato de su hijo por un arma de largo alcanze, busca venganza con un rifle de las mismas condiciones... secuestrando a Liberty Wallace (Linda Fiorentino), la mujer del fabricante del arma homicida, Victor Wallace (Oliver Platt). Una mujer atada a una trampa explosiva, un francotirador en una azotea, un teléfono de contacto, unas normas a seguir. Un desenlace imprevisible para una situación extrema...
White House Photographer (uncredited)
Laine Hanson va a ser nombrada Vicepresidenta, pero a la prensa se filtra la noticia en la que se le acusa de haber participado en una orgía a la edad de 19 años. A medida que la presión aumente sobre Laine, ella se debatirá entre permanecer fiel a sus principios y negarse a comentar el tema o luchar frontalmente contra la acusación.
Director of Photography
Laine Hanson va a ser nombrada Vicepresidenta, pero a la prensa se filtra la noticia en la que se le acusa de haber participado en una orgía a la edad de 19 años. A medida que la presión aumente sobre Laine, ella se debatirá entre permanecer fiel a sus principios y negarse a comentar el tema o luchar frontalmente contra la acusación.
Director of Photography
A young woman goes in search of her father, a professional gambler who abandoned her years before. Along the way, she finds herself at odds with her boyfriend who wants nothing but a carefree lifestyle.
"B" Camera Operator
Megan Bloomfield es animadora en su colegio, tiene amigas animadoras y es novia del capitán del equipo de fútbol. Es vegetariana, no le gustan los besos de su novio y abraza cuando puede a sus amigas. Un día sus amigos/as, su novio y sus padres le tienen una trampa para enviarla a un campamento en el que curan la homosexualidad. Megan tiene que pasar varias pruebas, incluyendo la primera que es darse cuenta de que es lesbiana.
Camera Operator
A documentary look at the confluence of the Red scare, McCarthyism, and blacklists with the post-war activism by African Americans seeking more and better roles on radio, television, and stage. It begins in Harlem, measures the impact of Paul Robeson and the campaign to bring him down, looks at the role of HUAC, J. Edgar Hoover and of journalists such as Ed Sullivan, and ends with a tribute to Canada Lee. Throughout are interviews with men and women who were there, including Dick Campbell of the Rose McLendon Players and Fredrick O'Neal of the American Negro Theatre. In the 1940s and 1950s, anti-Communism was one more tool to maintain Jim Crow and to keep down African-Americans.
Director of Photography
Showtime's "In the 20th Century" is a millennium-related strand of feature-length documentaries in which famous directors take on major subjects of their choosing. In the fourth of the six films, "The Pursuit of Happiness," filmmaker Robert Zemeckis delves into the history of America's relationship with mind-altering substances over the past 100 years, presenting interviews with historians and professionals in the drug treatment field, interspersed with a treasure trove of film and television clips depicting the highs and lows of smoking, drinking and drugging in the 20th century
Director of Photography
En el motel Pink coinciden los más disparatados personajes: Lillian, que espera la llegada de su novio, pero, inexplicablemente, se despierta junto a un desconocido llamado Luke. Éste le asegura que es ella quien se encuentra en la habitación equivocada. Lillian llama al encargado del motel, que no le presta mucha atención porque está discutiendo con su hija Ramona, que está enamorada de un "gringo". También se alojan en el motel Constance, una mujer decidida a casarse con un médico, con cualquier médico, y un violinista ruso que no deja dormir a nadie.
Director of Photography
Joey Cooper is a small boy who wants more than anything to be a member of the "Wilderness Club." But he has failed over and over again to pass the test and was not allowed to join. But when Joey gets home after his latest failure, he finds his mother has bought him all new camping equipment for his trip. Joey can't bring himself to tell her he didn't make the club so he takes the gear and leaves for the trip anyway, hiding on the bus. When a couple of kidnappers grab the kids, Joey is still in hiding and it's left for Joey to save them all.
Director of Photography
A boy brings home his new girlfriend. However, Mom is sure that something isn't right about her, which starts a fight with her son. And then everything takes a deadly turn for the worst.
Director of Photography
Wes and Nancy are a married academics couple. One day they host Nancy's long-ago lover Matt and his current sexy girlfriend Kim. Matt is a musician and Kim is a computer specialist who helped Matt to make some discovery in his science. Wes suspects Kim of stealing 50 dollars from him and that starts tension, intrigues, mistrust.
Director of Photography
A businessman with a compulsive gambling problem which has led to his wife leaving him, travels to Reno, Nevada for some gambling therapy which takes a turn when he picks up a psychotic serial killer posing as a hitchhiker.
Director of Photography
Jackie Ivers is a Los Angeles nurse who returns home to the small town of San Vicente to find that her friends and family have taken on bizarrely different personalities. Jackie notices that everyone who goes into the town's lake come out different...
Director of Photography
Daniel returns to his family's mansion for the holidays along with his girlfriend Susanne. His family's seemingly-utopian existence is overshadowed by not only the death of Daniel's brother, but also by Daniel's failure to live up to his brother's potential. However, this quickly becomes inconsequential, as blood-thirsty killers soon show up..
Director of Photography
A long lucky streak makes a nice guy the target of opportunists like his brother, his girlfriend, and some guys from New Jersey.
Director of Photography
A young happy couple move into a “dream home” only to find it is a gateway for occult powers.
Additional Photography
El Doctor Alan es un excéntrico y rico dentista que vive en una gran mansión con su esposa Brooke, a la que un día encuentra en el jardín practicando sexo oral con el chico encargado de cuidar la piscina. Arrastrado por la locura, se vengará atrozmente de ella y, además, causará terribles estragos en la boca de sus pobres pacientes.
Director of Photography
A segment from the 'Unsolved Mysteries' TV series inspired this story, in which a nurse (Megan Ward) claims that she's possessed by a murdered co-worker's spirit which identifies the killer.
Director of Photography
There's a party on campus and all the medical students are there. A Sexy Bikini (House Call) party. Relationship drama, a sexy competition, a Dean out to kill the party and a lot of playing...Doctor.
Director of Photography
While investigating a case involving a love triangle, a lovely police captain meets the man of her erotic dreams.
Director of Photography
Will Spanner está luchando de nuevo contra las hermosas vampiras-demonio hambrientas de sexo en la séptima entrega de esta serie. Will recluta a los policías Lutz y Garner para derrotar al malvado vampiro Martin y sus bellas eróticas esclavas demoníacas.
Director of Photography
Designed as an interactive movie, it is approximately 20 to 30 minutes long, depending on audience interaction. It requires the audience to vote for various directions the story will take, using a joystick attached to the arm of their seats.
Director of Photography
A navigator aboard a millionaire's yacht, Jack Morris discovers that the millionaire's mistress has stolen the data for his secret Virtual Reality. To escape, they encrypt, miniaturize, and tattoo the data onto Jack's PL:back. The pair share a VR adventure on the run from the Millionaire's thugs, meeting up with a wild series of characters.
Director of Photography
An unhinged woman is dangerously jealous of her ex-boyfriend's new lover. For April, performing stripping telegrams for private bachelor parties is just a way to pay the rent. To Nick, however, taking it off at bachelorette parties is more of an adventure - but Nick's promiscuity leads him down a path of destruction once he meets up with Christy, a voluptuously beautiful flight attendant. Murder. Kidnapping. When love turns to obsession, a man is capable of anything.
Director of Photography
A disaffected and increasingly disturbed young man journeys through post-riot Los Angeles.
Director of Photography
Jackie and Eugene are joined by a mystical wind tunnel which enables them to speak across a 500-mile desert. Believed by the Indians to be an omen of good luck, the wind inspires both characters to face their fears and follow their hearts.
Director of Photography
Un asesino en serie se dirige a mujeres jóvenes que llevaban cruces de oro. Los detectives Lutz y Garner reclutan a Will Panner para ayudar con los ángulos ocultos del caso. (
Director of Photography
Medical school is tough work--except when the students throw a party! Join these wild and crazy med students as they work in a little extracurricular activity. Of course, what's a check-up without a complete physical?
Director of Photography
An evil warlock takes over a rock club. He uses beautiful, large-breasted and frequently nude women to try to collect enough souls so that he may be able to bring Satan to Earth.
Director of Photography
A woman director is hired to finish the season of "Bikini Squad", a popular TV series about California beach lifeguards. A more than obvious lack of talent and basic intelligence among the crew make her contemplate leaving the set.
Director of Photography
Documentary about the life and work of film director Preston Sturges.