Flavia Santos


Operaciones Especiales
Location Manager
Un grupo de policías honestos es enviado a un pueblo de campo para resolver el problema de la alta delincuencia. Pronto ellos resuelven el problema, mientras que la recién llegada Francis debe superar sus límites para demostrar que tiene valor. Ellos son aclamados por la opinión pública. Pero al poco tiempo la aplicación de la fuerza de la ley comienza a molestar a todos, y el verdadero enemigo es revelado. Nuestra sociedad se está preparada para un policía honesto?
Location Manager
Rio de Janeiro, April 18, 1945. Brazil's foreign policy aligns closely with that of the United States and opens a brief period of democratic rule after the end of World War 2. For years, hundreds of people were arrested and tortured by the Vargas regime. But with the external pressure, several political prisoners gain freedom.
Owner of the Story
Location Manager
A 50 year-old woman who analyses her past. She pictures herself when she was 20 years old and she re-creates the story of her life through a game of innumerous possibilities. What if she wouldn't have gone to that ball? What if... instead of meeting the man of her life, with whom she married and had kids, she would have called a girlfriend and they went to the theater? What would be her destiny? What would have happened? In the plot the present talks to the past. A young woman projects her future in a fascinating game between memories and desires.