La vida del escritor Tomas Eldan (James Franco) cambia el día que, tras una acalorada discusión con su novia, atropella a un niño. Doce años después, Tomas sigue culpándose sin poder olvidar la tragedia. Aquel fatídico accidente afectó a Kate, la madre del niño, y todos los que rodean a Tomas, incluida su novia.
The President is the story of a dictator of an imaginary country in the Caucasus, who is forced to escape following a coup d’état, and begins a journey to discover his country in the company of his five-year-old grandson. The two travel across the lands that the President once governed. Now, disguised as a street musician to avoid being recognized, the former dictator comes into contact with his people, which he comes to know from a different point of view.