Director of Photography
The film takes place in Russia, America and Japan. The main character Vladimir Ognev is the son of a family of immigrants from Russia. in the early 2000s, he lives and studies in the USA. he has a brilliant scientific career and a happy personal life. after defending his dissertation, Vladimir receives an offer from the UN special department to study the scenario: how will humanity react if it finds out that an alien civilization exists and has been in constant contact with us for many years? over time, Vladimir realizes that this scenario is not as fantastic as it seems. now the future of the earth depends on his work.
Director of Photography
Basada en la biografía de Natalia Molchanova, campeona mundial de buceo libre y apnea en su intento de superar los límites de lo imposible: alcanzar por primera vez los 101 metros de profundidad en descenso libre.
Director of Photography
Igor está listo para cualquier cosa por el bien de la felicidad de Polina, y para compensar la pérdida de su hijo, la pareja se abre a un nuevo hijo. Pero en lugar de un niño ordinario de un refugio, una criatura mística que puede recrear los recuerdos se mete en su familia... Todavía no se ha encontrado una receta para siglos de sufrimiento, pero tal vez la clave de la salvación en el amor desinteresado por los demás. ... ¡Abre tu corazón! Dejála entrar ...
Director of Photography
Alexey Tsaryov is a 17-year-old school leader and a promising champion of a junior alpine ski team. Alexey has a girlfriend Lina and a friend Kostya, his rival both in sport and in love. Alexey is first in every way. He is self-confident, he does not know how to lose and does not wish to lose. But suddenly everything changes. After a tragic accident that befalls Alexey because of Kostya, their friendship has to withstand a challenge. But the moral courage, goodness and love will help endure all the ordeals and will bring everyone to their personal victories.
Director of Photography
On 9 May a German comes to Russia to marry the Russian beauty Alena, whom he had met in Berlin. The happy couple goes to the village to meet the bride’s relatives. However, Alena’s former husband Tolya is also on the way there: he has unexpectedly decided to get his wife back. Everything turns out as a romantic rivalry, which involves – apart from Tolya and Helmut – their friends, relatives, and the other inhabitants of the village: the businessman Yerofeev who has bought a house in the neighbourhood; a lost tank-man; and even a kite – they all meddle in the events.
Director of Photography
One night experiment.
Director of Photography