Nadeshda Brennicke

Nadeshda Brennicke

Nacimiento : 1973-04-21, Freiburg im Breisgau, Germany


Nadeshda Brennicke was born on April 21, 1973 in Freiburg im Breisgau, Baden-Württemberg, Germany. She is an actress, known for Tattoo (2002), Hotte im Paradies (2003) and Das Phantom (2000).


Nadeshda Brennicke
Nadeshda Brennicke
Nadeshda Brennicke


2 unter Millionen
Mona Kubelik
What hurts more: losing the wife to her younger lover after 21 years of marriage or having to share a lottery win with her after the breakup? The parcel carrier Henry doesn't want to give up half of his unexpected wealth because of the divorce. While his wife Ellen wants to make a clean break with the new beginning, he tries to save the long-hopeful marriage, but only on paper. The disappointment hurts too much to share the cash fairly! Neither his own daughter, who needs money for a journalism school, nor his best friend Mehmet know about the new fortune. His "favorite colleague" Mona either doesn't like the fact that Henry doesn't tell her the truth. She doesn't really recognize Henry anymore, with whom she has fallen in love. Ellen is also surprised that Henry, who is chronically exhausted, can afford an expensive racing horse. But there's a reason for the secrecy, because Henry wants to make his dream come true to win the Grand Prix of Germany. His maxim: Believe in losers too!
El privilegio
Dr Steinke
Un adolescente acomodado y sus amigos, alumnos de un instituto de élite, destapan una siniestra conspiración mientras investigan una serie de extraños eventos sobrenaturales.
Snow White and the Magic of the Dwarves
After her father’s death, Snow White is at the mercy of her self-loving stepmother. Locked in a tower by the evil queen, Snow White repeatedly escapes and secretly helps the old blacksmith. There she meets Prince Kilian, who immediately falls in love with her. When the queen’s plan to marry Snow White to a rich noble backfires, she plots to kill her but Snow White is rescued by seven dwarfs, while Prince Kilian searches for her throughout the kingdom. An action-packed retelling of the famous fairytale, with a nod to Game of Thrones.
Der gute Bulle - Friss oder stirb
Pricilla Gondorf
Armin Rohde experienced as a "good cop" Fredo Schulz a controversial Special Investigation operation in the drug depot Berlin-Neukölln. A covert investigator was shot and Schulz, the widowed police officer, widower and ex-alcoholic at the end of his career, is charged with the resolution of the tricky case. Together with his partner, Chief Inspector Milan Filipovic, he manages to win the young dealer Dakota as an informant. But soon the two investigators will not let go of the feeling that they have a leak in their own ranks.
Perdidos en la sabana
Renate von Zangenheim
A punto de divorciarse, un matrimonio prepara la celebración de la boda de su hijo en una sabana sudafricana. Prepararán la fiesta ? lucharán contra serpientes y leones?
Wendy 2 - Freundschaft für immer
La casa de la niebla
Cuatro ex compañeros de clase, Philipp, Leonie, Timo y Yasmin, organizan una reunión durante un fin de semana en una de las propiedades de Philipp. La esposa y la hija de Philipp también están presentes. Sin embargo, el fin de semana termina en un baño de sangre, con tres personas muertas y el sospechoso en coma. Dos años después, la madre de Leonie le pide al antiguo compañero de clase del presunto asesino, Doro Kagel, que reabra el caso. Ella nunca confió en que su hija hiciera tal acto ...
Anna Fucking Molnar
The eccentric actress Anna finds herself at the rock bottom of her career and has to realize that her life actually passed her by. The theater premier was a disaster on her account, her ex is already dating a new girl and she definitely exceeded the certain age where it is still okay to get dragged out of the mess by daddy. The house of cards she built so carefully seems to be more fragile than expected. Everything in Annas life begs for a new start to get her back on track. But the only thing coming around at the moment is a firefighter.
Ulrike Immhof
Tras conocer al caballo Dixie, la vida de Wendy, que nunca había montado a caballo, cambia para siempre.
Immer Ärger mit Opa Charly
God of Happiness
Divorced, widowed or long-term single: The participants of Flirtkurs 50plus the adult education center feel not yet old, but lonely. From the course, they hope for professional support for their attempts to find a new partner. But what trainer Jan trains with Julia, Frieda, Gila, and Britta, Friedrich, Heinz, and Ulf turns out to be far too mechanical for the individual needs and stories of the students. The course threatens to fail. But then the participants fire the coach and take the initiative themselves.
Wer Wind sät
Ricky Franzen
Oliver von Bodenstein and Pia Kirchhoff determine in the environment of a wind turbine company and their opponents - each of which has its own motive. A storm of revenge, greed and betrayal brews together.
Contra viento y marea
Dos familias de clases sociales muy diferentes acaban varadas en una isla desierta tras naufragar el barco en el que viajaban. Ambas tendrán que superar conflictos y trabajar unidas para poder salir de la isla
Gisela Werler
Banklady tells the true story of Gisela Werler, a law-abiding factory worker from Hamburg, who falls in love with a thief and becomes a media darling as Germany’s first and most notorious female bank robber. Cunning, sexy, and exciting, Gisela and her beloved Hermann pull off one daring heist after another. Banklady follows this outlaw who captured Germany’s imagination, boldly defying gender expectations and living a decades-long Bonnie and Clyde romance.
After the forcible transfer to his Bavarian home village, an ex-criminal cop investigates the death of a school principal who he thinks had lots to hide.
Amor y muerte en Java
Ilse Landgraf
Hans y Fridel son un matrimonio que llegan a Java huyendo de la persecución nazi justo antes de que se desate la Segunda Guerra Mundial. En este paraíso Hans encuentra un empleo como guardia urbano, pero su esposa, siempre insatisfecha, se convierte en una adicta al opio. Un día Hans conoce a Helen, la hija de un importante empresario, de quien se enamora casi al instante. Pero Fridel es su mayor preocupación, y no puede abandonarla, aunque tampoco podrá olvidar a Helen.
Der Heiratsschwindler und seine Frau
El secreto de Villa Sabrini
Elisabeth Lanzi
Susanne trabaja para una compañía de la subasta, y descubre que una pintura que han vendido resulta ser una copia. Así que se va a Florencia, donde se encuentra el experto que hizo la vida de valoración, y se reúne con el propietario.
Wolff - Kampf im Revier
Victoria 'Vicky' Langenfels
8:28 AM
Katharina Schneider
Una mujer casada tiene una galería exitosa y se enamora de un hombre que conoció accidentalmente.
Un verano en Sylt
Meike Hartung
Anne Berger desea pasar unas vacaciones en familia. Pero tras descubrir que su marido la está engañando con otra mujer, decide viajar en coche hasta Sylt, un paraje idílico en el que poder meditar
Cuando el amor mata
Verena Lord
Un joven universitario conquista a la esposa de un amigo de su padre y se ven en secreto. Pero un compañero de clase resentido entrega fotos del idilio al marido desatando su ira descontrolada. Nueva versión cinematográfica de la novela de Johannes Mario Simmel con el mismo título. La historia de adulterio y venganza se llevó al cine en 1971 pero en esta ocasión, el cineasta alemán Carlo Rola, crea una producción televisiva protagonizada por Vinzenz Kiefer ("RAF Facción del ejército rojo") y Nadeshda Brennicke ("Tattoo"). Los atractivos actores son habituales en la televisión alemana y han participado en la mayoría de producciones destacadas del país.
Frauen wollen mehr
Maja Rebner
Der Bär ist los! Die Geschichte von Bruno
Linde Blümel
Die Frau des Frisörs
Zwillingsküsse schmecken besser
Kristin Ullrich
Dekker & Adi - Wer bremst verliert!
Therese Hoffmann
The Reason Why
Think of a really nice person, a friend of yours, someone who could never hurt a fly. Imagine finding out that he is supposed to have killed someone. You're told that he has shot a person in a bar, for no obvious reason. He has already confessed. He says the murder was planned. He expects a life sentence. He even longs for it. He wants to pay for his crime. The psychiatrist cannot see any mental illness. People around him don't think him to be evil. They like him. They want to help him and protect him from himself. And they all ask the same question: Why....?
Der Mann von gestern
Dorren Theiss
Eine Frage des Gewissens
Sandra Stettner
Heute heiratet mein Mann
Yvonne 'Sumsi' Lünemann
Bettis Bescherung
Zwei Weihnachtshunde
A year ago, Katrin and Max got to know and love each other with the support of the phlegmatic bass dog Kurt. Should they now match their friends and marry? At first it doesn't look promising: Katrin is fighting for a job in London and Max is constantly gone, he seems to meet other women. The help of a second Christmas dog is needed to steer fate in the right direction.
Blindes Vertrauen
Beatrice 'Bea'
Antikörper, el ángel de la oscuridad
Nightclub Singer
Un peligroso asesino en serie es atrapado después de un violento enfrentamiento con la policía. Pero todavía está sin resolver el crimen de una joven. ¿Ha sido también obra suya o es él la llave para atrapar al responsable? Se inicia así un extraño juego entre la policía y el asesino. (FILMAFFINITY)
Banquete de boda
Marie Baumann
Para Sophie, la novia, y Mark, el novio, las palabras «Hasta que la muerte nos separe» adquieren un significado amenazador el día de su boda. Hermann, el engreído padre de Mark, tiene un mal día y se enzarza en una bronca a causa del aperitivo con Franz, chef de alta cocina que tiene problemas financieros y en cuya elegante posada campestre va a celebrarse el banquete. Sin prisa pero sin pausa la fiesta empieza a descontrolarse.
Meine Schwester und ich
Ina Springer
Der Weihnachtshund
Katrin Schulmeister
Smart financial advisor Katrin is desperately looking for a way to escape Christmas in her family's lap. And that seems to be coming up soon. In the all-rounder Max, with whom she shares a pronounced aversion to the festival of love, and his dog Kurt, she finds the right companions to implement a sophisticated master plan. Unfortunately, not everything goes according to plan.
A killer for the Russian Mafia in Vienna wants to retire and write a book about his passion - cooking. The mafia godfather suspects treason.
The Amber Amulet
Elisabeth Markwitz
Summer of 1944. Young baroness Barbara is getting married. Her husband, Alexander, leaves to the war and disappears after giving Barbara the amber amulet as symbol of their love. Soviet soldiers, commanded by Major Belyaev are placed in the estate of Barbara parents. Barbara falls in love with a Russian officer.
Gate to Heaven
With the help of airport technician Dak, Alexej breaks out of the holding area for refugees. Dak puts up the Russian, who yearns to become a pilot, in an underground labyrinth of pipes and vents. The young Indian woman Nisha is an aircraft cleaner who dreams of being a flight attendant.
Geheimnisvolle Freundinnen
Affäre zu dritt
Franziska Hansen
Katrin and Max are a couple. She examines police colleagues for her workability, he is a Kripo commissioner. When Hansen, the chief commissioner, is placed at his side, everything changes.
Hotte in Paradise
Hotte, a Berlin-based pimp with only modest turnovers, suddenly becomes a big player in the prostitution business. He has three girls on the streets: Rosa is in love with Hotte and is working hard for him. Jenny, the new girl, is an unconventional prostitute but nevertheless much sought-after by her clients. And the third girl, Yvonne, also brings in a large turn-out. So, Hotte’s proceeds are more than sufficient to buy expensive accessoires and to boost his reputation with the other pimps. But when Yvonne quits her job and Jenny starts to work for another pimp, Hotte’s rise comes to a sudden end
Tattoo (Tatuaje)
Maya Kroner
En Berlín, el detective Minks (Christian Redl) recorre el mundo de las salas de tatuajes para encontrar a un asesino que siente especial debilidad por la piel de sus víctimas. Un thriller de terror al estilo de "Seven".
Zwei alte Gauner
Clarice Portsmouth
Sind denn alle netten Männer schwul
Todesstrafe - Ein Deutscher hinter Gittern
Susanne Jansen
Vor meiner Zeit
As soon as Walter (Ingo Naujoks) meets Anne (NADESHDA BRENNICKE) he is totally overwhelmed. He leaves his wife and daughter immediately and marries his new dream girl. When he was watching a film one day in which Anne plays a roll, he begins to doubt his ideal image of her and he becomes obsessed with the past of his new wife
Planet Alex
Probieren Sie’s mit einem Jüngeren
Kanak Attack
Das Phantom
After the partner of a policeman is killed he is drawn into a mysterious plot of conspiracy and terrorists.
Drei Gauner, ein Baby und die Liebe
Barely out of jail, oldie burglar Karl is in for a surprise: accomplice Bruno gives him a baby.
The Sex Thief
Petra professionally works as a thief abroad to finance the studies of her younger sister Franziska in Germany.
Nackt im Cabrio
Landgang für Ringo
Drifters tells of Karin, a past-her-prime cosmetics saleswoman, with her increasing exasperation with her life and her dreams of leaving it all behind and living in Paris. An unlikely but entertaining plot develops, where anything can happen.
Bitte habt euch wieder lieb
When in Doubt
Susanne van Esken
Magic Müller
Mueller is a young and unsuccessful actor who has one big problem. He does not have time. He does not have time for his little daughter Elina and he does not have time for Petra who actually just wanted to make an interview with his room-mate Willy. Mueller is busy, always busy in every kind of situation. All his problems seemed to be solved when he realizes that Willy has invented a time-machine. Everything could be fine now, if just Mueller had listened better to Willy's warnings about the rules of time travelling.
Manta - Der Film