Zahia Dehar

Zahia Dehar

Nacimiento : 1992-02-25, Ghriss, Algeria


Zahia Dehar (born 25 February 1992) is a French-Algerian actress,fashion and lingerie designer.


Zahia Dehar
Zahia Dehar


You Promised Me the Sea
Rennes, nowadays. Saïd still lives with his parents. He is having a secret affair with Vincent. Unable to face his family, he agrees to an arranged marriage with Hadjira. After an unhappy love affair and a few run-ins with the law, she too has resigned herself to obeying her mother. Trapped by their families, Saïd and Hadjira join forces in spite of themselves, to find their own freedom.
Pop féminisme : des militantes aux icônes pop
An overview of 21st-century feminism through the lens of pop culture.
Una chica fácil
Naïma acaba de cumplir 16. Este verano, tendrá que decidir qué quiere de la vida si no quiere perdérselo. Luego llega su prima Sofía, con un cuerpo increíble y un estilo de vida peligrosamente seductor. Naïma solo desea seguir su propio camino, siempre que conduzca hacia arriba ... A pesar de las advertencias de su mejor amiga Dodo, ella y Sofía vivirán encuentros inolvidables durante un largo verano que los marcará para siempre.
Josephine, Pregnant & Fabulous
la femme en détresse / l'égérie
At last, Josephine has found her perfect non-smoker-cat-loving-amazing-cook-perfect-man-soulmate. They’ve been in love for two years and everything is peachy. Until she realizes she’s… pregnant. Time for Josephine to transform her life, mature into a responsible adult, not become like her mother, get a job, hold on to her man, refrain from falling out with her friends, and tell her sister, who's been crashing at her place, that she's got to move out. A bunch of overwhelming challenges that Josephine will have to face in her own, special way.
Zahia de Z à A
A fashion documentary about Zahia Dehar directed by Hugo Lopez. He follows her during shootings, photoshoot, backstage, rehearsals.
Robot Doll
The story of a sex doll (Zahia) who exercises her own free will.
The Cat Cave
Le Livre