Paula Barp


We are at all times making decisions that define who we are and what we face in our day to day. Elder manages the hotel inherited from his father throughout his life. In his hands the hotel went from a luxury resort to a hotel on the verge of bankruptcy. He is the portrait of a people whose life was easy but at the height of his fifties he faces the consequences of a life of excess with an erratic and cyclical addiction to alcohol and cocaine. Unsuccessful in his professional life, this failure is repeated in his social life with a marriage in ruins and with no prospect of improvement. At the limit of his emotional balance, Elder puts everything at risk when facing his demons and the consequences of their decisions. A story that finds its peer in every family nucleus of the Brazilian middle class.
Assistant Production Manager
Un destacado cocinero se ve convertido en el Rey de la Cocina en la cárcel... El mundo se compone de los que comen y los que son comidos. Raimundo Nonato, el protagonista, ha encontrado una vía alternativa: se dedica a cocinar. Primero cocina en el bar, luego en un restaurante italiano y, anualmente, en la cárcel. Pero, ¿cómo es que terminó en la cárcel? Raimundo cocina mientras aprende a defenderse y descubre una serie de normas que utiliza en beneficio propio: antes o después el cocinero también quiere su ración y nadie mejor que él sabe qué porciones son las más ricas. 'Estômago' es un cuento para adultos que aborda los temas del poder, el sexo y la gastronomía.