Sergey Rubeko

Sergey Rubeko


Sergey Rubeko


Mi querido Elfo
Una madre y una hija se mudan a un lujoso piso en el centro de Moscú. Al principio no entienden porque les ha costado tan barato el piso, pero pronto se darán cuenta de que encierra un maligno ‘Domovoy’, un espíritu de la casa, que intentará asustarlas para que abandonen la casa. Pero no cuenta con que ellas tienen un gato que no se rinde a la primera. El Domovoy no tendría una traducción exacta al español, en cuanto se trata de un mito arraigado profundamente en la mentalidad de muchos pueblos eslavos. Quizá podríamos decir que se trata de una especie de ‘duende doméstico’, que se encarga de cuidar la casa. Así pues, cada casa tiene un ‘Domovoy’, un pequeño Dios del hogar que puede establecer tanto buenas como malas relaciones con los habitantes del hogar.
Two close friends working for a provincial TV channel dream of getting rich and popular in the capital. They persuade their cute colleague Nadia to participate in a TV reality show, the participants of which must find the lost treasures of Admiral Kolchak.
The Best Movie
Vadik Volnov (Garik Kharlamov) dies on his own wedding of cannabis overdose and has to prove to God that he is worthy to enter Heaven. During his conversation with God's secretary, Vadik recalls numerous memorable moments of his earthly existence, such as getting drunk on cognac on his 8th birthday, service in the Soviet Army in Afghanistan, bandit showdowns in crime-ridden 1990s Russia, and, finally, meeting the love of his life.
The Irony of Fate. The Sequel
мужик с елкой
Zhenya and Nadya go their separate ways. Nadya stuck with her bureaucrat boyfriend, married him and had a daughter, also called Nadya. Zhenya married and had a son, Konstantin. Both later divorced. More than 30 years later, Konstantin ends up drunk in the flat where the younger Nadya finds him. He is there as part of a convoluted ruse by his father's friends to get Zhenya back into the arms of the woman with whom he shared a magical night. The waylaid son is the bait to get Zhenya back to Leningrad, now called St. Petersburg. One romance is rekindled and another between the son and daughter is struck up.
Holy Work
A funny comedy about the unemployed actor Pirozhkov who desperately tries to find the treasure hidden by Tsar's family.
Peculiarities of the National Ice Fishing
At this comedy - the fifth in the "Peculiarities of the National..." series - national fishing is going on ice.
Stepanych Thai Voyage
Mechanic Stepanych goes on a tourist trip to Thailand while his wife and daughter are expecting his return and don't even know what kind of events are waiting for them.
The First After God
The film is based on the true story of Captain Marinesku and set in 1944 during WWII at the Russian Navy Base. Young and beautiful Tanka is in love with Aleksandr Marinin, the brave Captain of the Russian submarine. He is under the KGB surveillance, and his life is at risk. He takes his boat to fight the Nazi fleet, and he cannot come back home without a victory.
It's Russian
Based on the novels and stories of Eduard Limonov.
Vory i Prostitutki. Priz - Polyot v Kosmos
"Всякая революция делается для того, чтобы воры и проститутки стали философами и поэтами", - Лев Троцкий. Женя Михайлов - сын итальянской революционерки и звезды Голливуда Тины Модотти, уехавшей в СССР и переспавшей с множеством высокопоставленных лиц. Когда-то Женя сделал фундаментальное открытие в области генетики. Но его не поняли, и он стал барменом. Известный писатель, появившийся однажды в баре, устроил Жене встречу с Михаилом Горбачевым. Тот Женю принял, понял и… организовал ему полет в космос. А новоиспеченный космонавт принял имя Ювеналий и объявил о своем невозвращении на Землю…
Theory of booze
A film about the hard fate of a decommissioned pilot, who not lost the ability to fly, as well as about male solidarity, cemented by national drinking traditions, about two truths - for male and for female, and about the love that will reconcile everyone.
One Life
A story about Marina and her problematic life after divorce.
The President and his Granddaughter
Moscow Year New Year's Eve 1987. In the 25th hospital on duty are the obstetrician and the nurse. They make the rounds, after which sit down to celebrate the New Year. Suddenly, the hospital ambulance arrives with a pregnant woman - daughter of the general, who had an accident and she started the premature birth. Despite the exhortations of doctors that gestational age is a tragic turn for the child, a fierce general, threatening with a pistol, forcing him to take delivery. A child is born dead, and intimidated doctor decides to replace it for a living. On the same day another woman gave birth to twin-girls, one of which is changed. Ironically, the two girls called Masha.
Chinese Tea-Set
The film is set in 1913 Russia during the celebrations of the Tricentennial Anniversary of the Romanov Dynasty. Rich Russian merchants are celebrating their wealth by gambling and playing poker. They are traveling aboard the luxurious cruise liner "St. Nikolai" on Volga river, oblivious to the fact that several gangs of crooks and con-artists are stealing their money in the game. Their target is the wealthiest Russian tycoon Satanovsky.
Why Wouldn't We Send... a Messenger?
A farmer who has been bankrupted by bankers goes to Moscow in search for the truth.
A modern adaptation of a famous classis Ivan Turgenev novel.
There's Good Weather in Deribasovskaya, Or It's Raining Again in Brighton Beach
When mysterious Russian bandit named Artist came in USA, brave Russian special agent Fyodor Sokolov runs to States for defeat evil master.
About Businessman Foma
Foma, a kolkhoz employee, decides to build a pay toilet in his village. Bit not all the villagers like the idea...
По Таганке ходят танки
Zhizn Klima Samgina
The young scientist has everything - an apartment, a car, a position in the scientific community, but his soul is as if immersed in hibernation. And only the death of his mother and a meeting with his matured daughter, who had her first and unrequited love, awaken his soul, which has fallen into lethargy.
Faster than your own shadow
Peter Korolev, master of sports and future engineer-Metallurgist, thanks to his perseverance and willpower won the right to participate in international competitions in athletics. At the running competition, when it was already clear that Peter Korolev wins, one of the runners embarrassing movement knocks his opponent, the world record holder at long distances Rolf Schmidt. Noticing this, Peter stops and helps Schmidt to his feet. So began their friendship. But sport is sport. And already at the Olympic games in Moscow, Peter Korolev at the finish line bypasses his friend and worthy opponent…