Mariya Turskaya

Mariya Turskaya


Mariya Turskaya


Дух Байкала
Production Design
Hoping to distract the boy from the loss of his mother, his father takes him to his grandfather for winter fishing. But the family falls into a blizzard and is lost on the ice of the largest lake in the world. Love and the mysterious powers of Baikal will help them overcome grief and find each other.
What Men Talk About: Simple Pleasures
Production Design
Production Design
According to the plot, 13-year-old Sonya, her younger sister Anya and their mother move to live in the village. Relations with the locals do not add up, and there is little entertainment here. Unless you climb into an abandoned house, shrouded in stupid legends about an evil Dollmaker who allegedly steals children and makes puppets out of them.
Петр I. Последний царь и первый император
Production Design
Red Riding Hood
Production Design
Saving her city from the wolves, Little Red Riding Hood will have to solve the mystery of the disappearance of her father Wolfboy, face her fears in the eyes and find her destiny.
Production Design
Seraphim, who unjustly served ten years in prison, was released.
Russian South
Production Design
Student Artem falls in love with a young beauty from the Black Sea. Having lost his head, he drops everything and goes for his beloved to the Russian South, about which he knows nothing. At sea it turns out that the beautiful Ksyusha is already being looked after by two serious local competitors - a handsome sailor and a daring policeman. It seems that the naive student simply has no chance. Even the help of his new friends seems to only get in the way. But our hero is not going to give up: it means war!
The Red Ghost
Production Design
30 de diciembre de 1941. Vyazma ('Caldero de Vyazemsky') es un pequeño destacamento de soldados soviéticos, por fatal coincidencia, en una desigual batalla con una unidad especial de la Wehrmacht. Sin embargo, ninguno de ellos piensa en rendirse. Cada uno de ellos estaba dispuesto a sacrificar su vida para proteger su tierra natal. Ninguno de estos valientes nació héroe. El mito del fantasma rojo es un acto heroico sin un soldado soviético en la Gran Guerra Patria que inculcó en los animales un miedo mortal a los soldados alemanes. En lugar de uno de los héroes muertos se insertó otro, y nació el mito del invencible soldado soviético. La película 'El fantasma rojo' trata sobre la esperanza que tendrá cada soldado.
The Bronze Horseman Of Russia
Production Design
Vasily Livanov’s historical movie carries the viewer back into the 18th century and tells the story of the monument to Peter the Great through Alexandr Sergeevich Pushkin’s poem «The Bronze Horseman». The sculptor Étienne Maurice Falconet comes from France at the invitation of the Empress Ekaterina the 2nd to erect the monument. Thanks to the master’s meticulous work and painstaking creative search the monument has become not only a masterpiece of art but one of the symbols of Russia.
My Little One (Ayka)
Production Design
Ayka acaba de dar a luz, pero no puede permitirse tener un hijo. Es ilegal en Moscú, no tiene trabajo y tiene que pagar demasiadas deudas. No tiene ni siquiera un lugar donde dormir. Y sin embargo, la naturaleza pone todo en orden. Después de dar a luz a su hijo, lo deja en el hospital. Sin embargo, algún tiempo después, su instinto maternal le lleva a intentos desesperados de encontrar al niño abandonado.
Rescate en Marte
Production Design
Durante una expedición a Marte ocurre un accidente y la nave que transportaba a los astronautas se estrella con un único superviviente, que intenta mantener la cordura y sobrevivir con la ayuda de un robot mientras espera el más que improbable rescate.
The Best Movie 3-DE
Production Design
Hijinks ensue when an amateur filmmaker, financially reliant on video piracy, must reshoot all the movies from a film festival before time runs out.
Black Lightning (Rayo negro)
Production Design
El film nos cuenta como un estudiante normal del instituto de educación superior de Moscú llega a tener en sus manos a causa del azar un vehículo que usado de una manera concreta puede volar. Nuestro protagonista se convertirá de una persona normal en un superhéroe, el defensor de la ciudad, un misterioso luchador contra el mal.
Multicolored Twilight
Production Design
A story about a miracle which only can happen when a fate brings together two very talented people.
El Almirante
Production Design
Guerra civil rusa (1918-1920). Drama histórico basado en la figura de Aleksandr Vasilievich Kolschak, comandante y explorador del Ejército Blanco, que se enfrentó, en Siberia, al Ejército Rojo (organizado por Trotski) durante la guerra civil rusa. Kolschak era un antibolchevique convencido y partidario a ultranza del zarismo. Hombre casado, tendrá también que combatir un amor prohibido: Anna, la joven mujer de otro oficial, a la que conoció cuando conducía sus tropas hacia Siberia.
The Mastermind
Production Design
The Collector is using his massive collection of curiosities and arts to provoke and manipulate people into a different state of mind. The Collector's daughter is building her own collection, she is having an affair with three guests of her father, and they are about to make some strange discoveries.