Marc Weinstein


Vinyl Nation
The vinyl record renaissance over the past decade has brought new fans to a classic format and transformed our idea of a record collector: younger, both male and female, multicultural. This same revival has made buying music more expensive, benefited established bands over independent artists and muddled the question of whether vinyl actually sounds better than other formats. Vinyl Nation digs into the crates of the record resurgence in search of truths set in deep wax: Has the return of vinyl made music fandom more inclusive or divided? What does vinyl say about our past here in the present? How has the second life of vinyl changed how we hear music and how we listen to each other?
Self - Music Festival Consultant
Fyre fue promocionado como un festival de música lujoso en una isla privada de las Bahamas con supermodelos en bikini, actuaciones musicales de primer nivel y servicios pijos. Los invitados llegan para descubrir que la realidad estaba muy lejos de esas promesas.