Ever Wong, de 18 años, es enviada desde Ohio a Taiwán para estudiar mandarín durante el verano, pero se convierte en una adolescente libre que asiste a una fiesta a la que los lugareños llaman "Loveboat".
Madison es una mujer que tiene unas macabras pesadillas que la dejan completamente paralizada. Aterrada por lo que ve en ellas, Madison no consigue dormir por las noches ni vivir por el día. Pero el terror cada vez se irá apoderando de ella cuando descubra que esas pesadillas no son sueños, sino que son hechos de la vida real.
The Bread Factory is the scene for rehearsals of the Greek play Hecuba. But the real theatrics are outside the theater, with the town invaded by bizarre tourists and mysterious tech start-up workers. There is a new normal in Checkford, if it is even really Checkford any longer.
After 40 years of running their community arts space The Bread Factory, Dorothea and Greta are suddenly fighting for survival when a pair of celebrity performance artists from China come to Checkford and build an enormous complex down the street, catapulting big changes in their small town.
To offer the best for her beloved daughter Zhen-Zhen, Mrs.Song hires a new generation female android, Ah-Hui, to be her daughter’s bridesmaid. By trying to modify Ah-Hui’s behavior, Mrs.Song and The Groom’s mother- Mrs. Zhang change her parameters and disrupt her settings. An extraordinary wedding is about to start, will anyone notice the soul in the mechanical heart?