Dave Moore


I Spit on Your Grave: Déjà Vu
Second Assistant Director
Después de su violación, Jennifer Hills escribió un libro con su terrible experiencia y del controvertido juicio en el que fue acusada de tomarse la ley por su mano y matar brutalmente a sus agresores. En el pequeño pueblo donde la violación y la venganza tuvieron lugar, los familiares de los cuatro violadores están furiosos de que el tribunal la declarara no culpable, y ahora son ellos los que quieren tomarse la justicia con sus propias manos...
Superbikes: When Britain Ruled The World
Take a journey through a decade of World Superbike racing; a decade when riders traded blows on and off the track, the races really were elbow-to-elbow and the only things bigger than the crowds were the egos! Carl Fogarty, the four-times World Champion, James Whitham, Neil Hodgson and Frankie Chili reveal what is was like to race in these turbulent years, and what they really thought of each other and rivals like Scott Russell, Aaron Slight, John Kocinski and Anthony Gobert.
Superbikes: When Britain Ruled The World
Take a journey through a decade of World Superbike racing; a decade when riders traded blows on and off the track, the races really were elbow-to-elbow and the only things bigger than the crowds were the egos! Carl Fogarty, the four-times World Champion, James Whitham, Neil Hodgson and Frankie Chili reveal what is was like to race in these turbulent years, and what they really thought of each other and rivals like Scott Russell, Aaron Slight, John Kocinski and Anthony Gobert.
Superbikes: When Britain Ruled The World
Take a journey through a decade of World Superbike racing; a decade when riders traded blows on and off the track, the races really were elbow-to-elbow and the only things bigger than the crowds were the egos! Carl Fogarty, the four-times World Champion, James Whitham, Neil Hodgson and Frankie Chili reveal what is was like to race in these turbulent years, and what they really thought of each other and rivals like Scott Russell, Aaron Slight, John Kocinski and Anthony Gobert.
Camas deshechas
First Assistant Director
Axl (Fernando Tielve) es un veinteañero que lleva la cuenta del número de camas distintas en las que ha dormido desde su llegada a Londres. Entre resaca y resaca, Axl trata de poner un poco de orden a su vida y localizar a su padre, que le abandonó siendo niño. Por su parte, Vera (Deborah Francois) también lucha por encontrar su camino en los laberintos sentimentales del paisaje londinense. A su alrededor se entrecruzan más personajes hasta completar un dinámico retrato generacional de la juventud en las grandes urbes.