Tatiana Salem Levy


Stela, a young Brazilian actress, decides to make a work on the letters exchanged between Latin American plastic artists in the 70s and 80s. She travels to Cuba, Mexico, Argentina and Chile looking for her works and testimonies about the reality they lived during the dictatorships that most of these countries faced at the time. In the midst of the investigation, Stela discovers the existence of Ana, a young Brazilian artist who was part of this world, but disappeared. Ana went from southern Brazil, from a small town in the interior to Buenos Aires. Obsessed by the character, Stela decides to find her and find out what happened to her.
Nada Tenho de Meu
Portuguese director Miguel Gonçalves Mendes and Brazilian writers Tatiana Salem Levy and João Paulo Cuenca traveled to the Far East to exchange experiences with artists and thinkers from Macau, Hong Kong, Vietnam, Cambodia and Thailand.
Memorias cruzadas
En la habitación de un hospital, donde un grupo de amigos, antiguos revolucionarios en la década de los sesenta, rememoran su juventud en el lecho de muerte de uno de los suyos, Ana.