Carla Fotea


Semiotic Plastic
Executive Producer
The life of human beings, seen from birth to old age. Only that this generic life is not represented with humans, but with the artefacts that we the humans have created for our children (or should we say ‘cubs’?), in order to prepare them for life: the toys. So, the film is a collage of scenes in which the toys help us understand better a possible essence of our life.
Un polvo desafortunado o porno loco
Executive Producer
Emi, una maestra de escuela, encuentra su carrera y reputación amenazadas después de que se filtró una cinta sexual personal en Internet. Obligada a encontrarse con los padres exigiendo su despido, Emi se niega a rendirse a su presión. Radu Jude (¡Aferim!) Ofrece una mezcla incendiaria de formas poco convencionales, humor irreverente y comentarios mordaces sobre la hipocresía y los prejuicios en nuestras sociedades.
The Exit of the Trains
Editing film composed entirely of archival photographs and documents related to the Iasi Pogrom from June 1941. The first part of the film consists of photographs of the victims, accompanied on the soundtrack by statements and testimonies about their fate. The second part, shorter, is a montage of the actual photos of the Pogrome, some of them unique.
Uppercase Print
Executive Producer
In 1981, chalk slogans written in uppercase letters started appearing in public spaces in the Romanian city of Botoşani. They demanded freedom, alluded to the democratic developments taking place in Romania’s socialist sister countries or simply called for improvements in the food supply. Mugur Călinescu was behind them, who was still at school at the time and whose case is documented in the files of the Romanian secret police. Theatre director Gianina Cărbunariu created a documentary play based on this material.
Production Manager
A long time married couple comes to decide within 24 hours, through encounters with strangers, that letting go might be their biggest proof of love.
A long time married couple comes to decide within 24 hours, through encounters with strangers, that letting go might be their biggest proof of love.
Ivana la terrible
Ivana invita a amigos, familiares y ex-amantes a interpretar en un guión la historia de una mujer al borde de un ataque de nervios. En la frontera del Danubio, el drama se convierte en una comedia
I Do Not Care If We Go Down in History as Barbarians
Production Manager
"I do not care if we go down in history as barbarians." These words, spoken in the Council of Ministers of the summer of 1941, started the ethnic cleansing on the Eastern Front. The film attempts to comment on this statement.