Isabelle Björklund


To Discharge
Ingrid and August can’t communicate with each other any longer. They decide to go to an alternative therapy camp in order to save their relationship. But things don’t go as they expected.
To Discharge
Ingrid and August can’t communicate with each other any longer. They decide to go to an alternative therapy camp in order to save their relationship. But things don’t go as they expected.
Esperando la muerte
Un hombre llega al hospital a despedirse de su padre en sus últimos momentos de vida. Quiere aprovechar para decirle cosas pendientes y generar un momento especial
Brothers in Midnight Sun
Two brothers, Leif and Arne, are on a fishing trip. Leif is a whiner and criticizes Arne and almost everything, but the conversation leads to more important topics. A loving parody on men from the North of Sweden.
Home Improvement
Bengt has been left in a heartbroken state. His ex wife will come back and pick up the last moving box. Bengt decides to make one last attempt to convince her with whale music and improvised homemade Iranian food.