Sofia Khan


5 Stars
A young woman flees her home and spends a bitter-sweet evening riding around on a motorcycle taxi. She finds comfort in the poetry of her (short-lived) escape and the young driver gives her a glimmer of hope.
Teefa in Trouble
Teefa es un pícaro sicario cuyo apodo es Trouble (“problema”). Por encargo de un mafioso de la ciudad de Lahore (Pakistán), Teefa se dirigirá hasta Varsovia. Su misión será traer de vuelta a la hija del gánster polaco Bonzo, Anya, para casarse con el hijo favorito del mafioso, Billu Butt. Entre los hombres de Bonzo y la policía, Teefa tendrá grandes dificultades para cumplir con su cometido.
This Side of Summer
Although she was crowned prom queen, something isn’t clicking for Sierra (Soleil Bouchereau) as she finds herself in the incessant gravitational pull of the aloof Henry (William Shewfelt). She spends her summer killing time doing whatever works while in and out of his orbit. Her closest friend Amy (Krista West) awakens to the toxicity of her romantic partner Ray (Zander Wylie) who is coincidentally her work superior at the local Donut Shop. While Ray earnestly attempts to conjure all of the tenderness he can, he watches the ever so gradual slipping away of Amy throughout a never-ending summer vacation.