Edith Yorke

Edith Yorke

Nacimiento : 1867-12-23, Croyden, England, UK

Muerte : 1934-07-28


Edith Yorke


Luxury Liner
Mrs. Webber - Sick Passenger
This drama offers a few slices from the lives of those who live, work, and travel upon a luxurious trans-atlantic ocean liner.
City Girl
Lem's Mother
Primer film sonoro de Murnau (y último de ficción). Durante su producción y rodaje (en tierras americanas, donde había realizado ya la obra maestra "Sunrise"), surgieron importantes divergencias del director alemán con el dueño de la Fox, William Fox. La más importante fue la imposición de ser un film hablado (Murnau comenzó la película siendo muda), dado el fulgurante éxito del cine sonoro, así como la incapacidad del estudio por conseguir a la estrella Janet Gaynor (protagonista de "Amanecer"). Murnau, desencantado, decidió una vez acabada la película asociarse con el documentalista Robert J. Flaherty, para rodar "Tabu" sin ningún tipo de imposición de los estudios. "El pan nuestro de cada día" está basada en la obra "The Mad Turtle", de Elliott Lester, y narra la historia de un joven de Minnesota que va a Chicago y se enamora.
Seven Keys to Baldpate
Mrs. Quimby
A writer rents what he believes is a deserted lodge in order to complete his novel. But then six other people show up one-by-one, each for reasons of their own.
The Valiant
Mrs. Douglas
A man condemned to execution tries to convince two women that he is not their son and brother, and that they must get on with their lives.
Mrs. Carroll
Nightclub singer Alice Carroll is found in the office of club owner Al Barrow, who is lying dead on the floor. Alice has been overheard threatening to kill Barrow rather than give in to his advances. She protests her innocence, but the District Attorney doesn't believe her and charges her with Barrow's murder. However, things aren't quite as cut-and-dried as the D.A. believes them to be.
The Heart Of A Coward
Sensation Seekers
Mrs. Hagen
Llega un nuevo pastor a la ciudad, un hombre joven y con las ideas muy claras acerca de su apostolado. Muy pronto se da cuenta de que el lugar está repleto de "trabajo" para él. Reina la despreocupación y la lujuria y como muestra conoce a una disoluta joven de la mejor sociedad quien, atraída e intrigada por él, tratará de hacerle difícil su tarea redentoria.
The Bachelor's Baby
Mrs. Carter
Directed by Frank R. Strayer. With Helene Chadwick, Harry Myers, Midget Gustav, Edith Murgatroyd.
The Western Whirlwind
Mrs. Martha Howard
Jack Howard, returning from the war, learns that his father, Sheriff Howard, has been killed by an unknown assailant, and he induces the mayor of Gold Strike to swear him in as sheriff.
The Belle of Broadway
Madame Adele
Madame Adele, once a great star of the Paris theatre, has fallen upon hard times. But she allows a young American performer, Marie Duval, to perform as the Madame Adele of old, and both become the darlings of Paris, one again and the other newly-crowned.
Born to the West
Mrs. Rudd
Dare Rudd and Bate Fillmore have been enemies since early childhood, primarily over the affections of Nell Worstall. Dare, assuming the name of Holt, goes west to Colorado, as does most of his Kentucky friends and enemies. The feud between Dare and Bate is renewed, and Dare learns that Nell's father is in jail on a trumped-up charge made by Bate in order to force Nell to marry him.
Mother Superior
Zabette de Chauvalons leaves a convent in Brussels to join her father on the island of Martinique, escorted by Père Bénédict. In St. Pierre she finds that her father has died; his widow, who rules the island's French society, believes Zabette to be the child of a beautiful quadroon with whom Zabette's father left for France; when Zabette is sent to the mulatto quarter, Stéphane Séquineau is present and takes an interest in her. Destitute, Zabette is forced to auction off her Paris fashions, and though Quembo, a cunning quadroon, is the highest bidder, Stéphane outbids him at the last minute and professes his love, which she accepts, believing herself to be une fille de couleur; however, his older brother, Maurice, insinuating that a mixed marriage would ruin him, persuades her to desist.
Rustlers' Ranch
Mary Shawn
Lee Crush, an out-of-work cowhand, gets into a fight with Bull Dozier and knocks him through a railing. Thinking he has killed the man, Lee takes to his heels and finds work on the Shawn ranch. Lee prevents Clem Allen from swindling the Widow Shawn and falls in love with her daughter, Mary.
Transcontinental Limited
Sara Reynolds
War veteran returns home to find his sweetheart totally upset. Her father will lose his sight unless she can get funds for an expensive procedure. He and some army mates hatch a plot. For the railway safe to be utilized. A rival though robs the safe and the money is taken by the pals. A train journey later involving high speed the money is needed before the rival can send the hero to prison.
Seven Keys to Baldpate
A writer, looking for some peace and quiet in order to finish a novel, takes a room at the Baldpate Inn. However, peace and quiet are the last things he gets, as there are some very strange goings-on at the establishment.
Below the Line
Mrs. Cass
Slasher falls off the train that is carrying him. He is found, broken in spirit, by Donald Cass. The dog is regenerated by Donald's love.
Montería salvaje
Grandma Melberne
Un ranchero decide atrapar caballos salvajes para venderlos, utilizando cepos. La tribu de los Navajos de la zona intenta persuadirle para que deje de hacerlo.
Silent Sanderson
Mrs. Parsons
When Silent Sanderson's brother kills himself over the rejection of a woman, Silent blames Judith Benson and leaves the family homestead to begin a new life in Alaska. He is later reunited with Judith Benson, only to discover that his brother didn't commit suicide at all but was murdered by the woman's jealous husband.
Souls for Sables
Capital Punishment
This is not a Clara Bow vehicle, and yet it is clearly the aspect/asset of Clara Bow which elevates a fairly serious melodrama to a timeless and profound social statement. Opening the film on death row where the handsome youth awaits the chair, a stirring test of the legal system evolves after two elite types conspire to expose its inadequacies. Elite, jaded society lawyer Gordon Harrington fabricates a murder, implicating an entirely "hired" fall-guy, one Dan O'Connor, while the bored playboy-type hides away on a yacht until the points are proven and the legal system has been disgraced. Naturally, something goes wrong, the playboy really turns up murdered, and O'Connor is now the accused, imprisoned murderer scheduled to be hanged.
Husbands and Lovers
Mrs. Stanton
James y Grace son un matrimonio que vive abocado en la rutina. Ella está harta de que su marido solo la quiera para desempeñar tareas del hogar y que no se interese por el cambio de look que se ha hecho solo para resultarle más atractiva. En cambio, el mejor amigo de James empezará a flirtear con ella.
The Tenth Woman
Mrs. Brainherd
A ranch owner saves a pretty young woman from committing suicide, and later marries her. They are very happy together until a former girlfriend visits him. Then the trouble begins.
Mrs. Wray
Las aventuras de una joven dependienta que aprende que tener dinero no es la clave de la felicidad.
El carrusel de la vida (Los amores de un príncipe)
Ursula Urban
En la Viena de los albores de la Gran Guerra el último de los Von Hohenegg, el Conde Franz Maximilian, cae rendidamente enamorado de la humilde organillera de la feria del Prater, la cual trabaja para el brutal Huber, que también la pretende. Haciéndose pasar por un vendedor de ropa la seduce pero el Emperador ha decretado ya su inminente matrimonio con la Condesa Gisella Von Steinbruck y Franz no puede negarse, rompiéndole así el corazón a la bella Agnes. Finalmente llega la Guerra y en las trincheras el Conde se encontrará con Sylvester Urban, padre de Agnes y payaso del circo, quien lo maldecirá en su lecho de muerte, causándole una enorme impresión que a punto estará de costarle su propia vida.
Slippy McGee
Madame De Rance
The title is also the moniker of a renowned safe-cracker, Slippy McGee, who has always managed to evade capture until his latest job, when he is wounded. He escapes aboard a freight train, bound for parts unknown, and finds himself in the town of Appleborro. There, he is discovered and cared for by Father De Rance and Mary Virginia. His leg is amputated, and during his recovery in Appleborro, the town's influence causes him to reform.
Souls for Sale
Mrs. Steddon
A young woman hits Hollywood, determined to become a star.
Step on It!
Mrs. Collins
Brother of Lorraine Leighton is falsely accused of rustling and murder and shipped off to jail. Desperate, Lorraine enlists the help of rancher Vic Collins and the two track down the real culprit, evil Pidge Walters.
One Clear Call
Mother Garnett
An outcast who runs a road house of ill repute leads his mother to believe him dead. His only friend, a doctor, falls for a married woman.
A Daughter of Luxury
Ellen Marsh
When a lawsuit deprives a rich woman, Mary Fenton, of her wealth, she decides to impersonate another woman, Mary Cosgrove. The situation becomes sticky when Cosgroge turns up and demands Fenton be arrested.
Lying Lips
Mrs. Prospect
A spoiled rich girl from England encounters a wonderful young man who, unfortunately, has no money. Will love or money win out?
Below the Surface
Martha Flint
A widely respected deep-sea diver is approached by a ring of con artists who want him to be the front man for a phony scheme to recover gold from sunken ships. When he refuses, they send a sexy young woman to seduce his son, and then blackmail the father into going along with their scheme.
The False Road
Mother Starbuck
Roger Moran, a member of a gang of thieves headed by Mike Wilson, is released from prison after having served a two-year sentence. He has learned his lesson and vows to leave his life of crime, but his girlfriend Betty Palmer--also a member of the gang--won't leave "the false road".
The Turning Point
Mrs. Rivett
Upon finding themselves in financial difficulties because of the failure of the Edgerton-Tennant Company, New York socialites Diana and Silvette Tennant decide to work as society hostesses.