Lighting Technician
Adicto al trabajo y perfeccionista, el inspector Pao se identifica con Mak, un criminal ocasional que piensa usar sus explosivos para dar un golpe de 10 millones de dólares. Pao deberá usar sus propios medios para detener a Mak y evitar graves daños colaterales.
Lighting Technician
Where is the end of the world? A rich girl diagnosed with leukemia wants to follow a sailor friend to St Kilda, Scotland to find out. but first she must search him out, who is missing.
Simon Loui's character gets thrown out by his vicious girlfriend and ends up taking on a VERY different social status than before. That of the beggar but together with a group of seemingly crazies (Victor Wong, Joe Junior and Elvis Tsui), he gets a new outlook and direction in life...
Lighting Technician
Director: Lin Zixiong. Leading actors: Zeng Yuru/Li Zhongning/Weng Shijie/Lan Yin/Charlie Meng Dingge set up a company to attract customers by package meal.