An examination of how the shared obsession with short-term profits between corporations and Wall Street is negatively impacting the foundations of American capitalism.
An examination of how the shared obsession with short-term profits between corporations and Wall Street is negatively impacting the foundations of American capitalism.
An examination of how the shared obsession with short-term profits between corporations and Wall Street is negatively impacting the foundations of American capitalism.
Clandestinely filmed on location in Chinese-ruled Tibet (several actors and crew members had their names withheld for fear of reprisal), documentarian Paul Wagner's compelling drama follows three young Tibetans faced with moral dilemmas: a rising pop star asked by her Chinese official boyfriend to sing pro-government songs; her brother, an embittered drunk; and their cousin, a Buddhist nun savagely beaten after shouting anti-Chinese slogans.
Clandestinely filmed on location in Chinese-ruled Tibet (several actors and crew members had their names withheld for fear of reprisal), documentarian Paul Wagner's compelling drama follows three young Tibetans faced with moral dilemmas: a rising pop star asked by her Chinese official boyfriend to sing pro-government songs; her brother, an embittered drunk; and their cousin, a Buddhist nun savagely beaten after shouting anti-Chinese slogans.
Clandestinely filmed on location in Chinese-ruled Tibet (several actors and crew members had their names withheld for fear of reprisal), documentarian Paul Wagner's compelling drama follows three young Tibetans faced with moral dilemmas: a rising pop star asked by her Chinese official boyfriend to sing pro-government songs; her brother, an embittered drunk; and their cousin, a Buddhist nun savagely beaten after shouting anti-Chinese slogans.
Clandestinely filmed on location in Chinese-ruled Tibet (several actors and crew members had their names withheld for fear of reprisal), documentarian Paul Wagner's compelling drama follows three young Tibetans faced with moral dilemmas: a rising pop star asked by her Chinese official boyfriend to sing pro-government songs; her brother, an embittered drunk; and their cousin, a Buddhist nun savagely beaten after shouting anti-Chinese slogans.
A look at some of the last stone carvers working in the United States, those completing the sculptures adorning the Washington National Cathedral. They discuss their craft and the cultural forces which helped define it, as well as the fading use of stone ornamentation in architecture and the history of stone carving, and they tour the cathedral to point out the history behind some of the work.
Tras una estancia en los Estados Unidos, Henri Ferré, alias "Le Nantais", regresa a París para reorganizar el negocio de la droga. Su colaborador, Paul Liski, le encuentra una tapadera, un bar llamado "Le Troquet".
Paul Braconnier and his wife Blandine only have one thing in mind: to find a way to kill each other without risk. After listening to a radio show, Paul decides to go to Paris to meet a famous lawyer in the acquittal of the murderers. He tells the lawyer that he killed his wife. The lawyer asks Paul to reconstruct the circumstances of the drama. Without knowing it, he explains, in spite of himself, the way for Paul to murder his wife by putting the odds on his side to avoid death penalty or even be released...
Associate Producer
Lucien Bonnet, Jean Vigneron's manservant, blackmails his boss, who is having an affair with Inès de Montalban, married to Ricardo. Vigneron pays the sum but Lucien is killed by an accomplice, Baruch. Everything seems to accuse Jean who, for fear of compromising Inès, prefers to keep mum. Fortunately, his innocence will be proved thanks to a surprise witness. The two lovers flee to Congo while the husband soon forgets them, finding comfort in debauchery.
A bordo de un submarino en el Oslo de 1945, Gilbert, un médico francés, es secuestrado por un grupo de oficiales nazis. En la embarcación habitan todo tipo de fugitivos evitando ser capturados por el bando aliado. Un jefe de la Gestapo, un general alemán, un industrial italiano y un periodista francés colaborador nazi viajan en este barco. Cuando se recibe la noticia del armisticio, un motín estalla a bordo del submarino.