Alexandra Potekhina


The Day Before
Since the morning, the entire population of the planet has been concerned about one news: a red comet is approaching the Earth. A year ago, scientists only assumed this collision, a month ago they tried to establish the exact date - and finally, it was just announced by all communication sources: the end cannot be avoided. Moreover, it will happen tomorrow. There is one day left until... People of different classes, nationalities and faiths in different parts of a large country - each in their own way - are trying to spend this last day of their lives.
El misterio de la reina de las nieves
The Maid Of Honor Of The Queen
Gerda y Kay son dos buenos amigos que disfrutan mucho jugando juntos. Hasta que una noche, Kay se transforma en la reina de las nieves y acaba desapareciendo. Gerda lo buscará pero no le será fácil...