Pablo Salomon


The disordered adventures of a alluring young man in New York. Dreams, fantasies, old-school street seduction, and a dead body. A homage to the 1980s No Wave Cinema by Argentinian director Mauro Andrizzi, set in pre-pandemic New York.
Cairo Affaire
"It felt like a spy movie." Mauro Andrizzi travelled to Tehran to present Iraqi Short Stories, his film that dealt with the 2003 US invasion of Iraq. After the screening, he was approached by an Iraqi lady, who pointed out some inaccuracies and wanted to have lunch with him to express her ideas about the war. This however was not the end of her interest in the Argentine filmmaker. A later trip took him to Egypt, where the air was full of conspiracy theories. Shark attacks in the Red Sea threatened to damage the tourism industry, and the government ordered hundreds of sharks to be hunted. Two weeks later, crocodiles started to attack people on the shores of the Nile. The last of Andrizzi's intriguing spy triptych takes us to Sana'a in Yemen and deals with the story of local Al Qaeda founder Anwar al Awlaki and a Croatian actress.
Stranded: I've Come from a Plane That Crashed on the Mountains
Associate Producer
Ésta es una de las historias de supervivencia más extraordinaria de todos los tiempos: es la historia de un grupo de jóvenes que lograron sobrevivir durante 72 días a una altitud de 4.000 metros, en el corazón de la cordillera de los Andes, después de que su avión se estrellara allí en Octubre de 1972. El accidente de avión, las muertes, los heridos. Los equipos de rescate que nunca aparecían. El desaliento. El hambre que se apodera lentamente de ellos. La decisión de alimentarse de los cuerpos de sus amigos fallecidos en el accidente. Las avalanchas. El esfuerzo sobrehumano para no rendirse, para no dejarse morir. Allí arriba, en la montaña, una nueva sociedad tomó forma: no había líderes, solo una sucesión gradual de personalidades a medida que los acontecimientos se precipitaban y que soñaban en alcanzar una meta común: salir de ese infierno y volver juntos a la vida.
El destino
Executive Producer
Pedro, un traficante de droga español tiene que cerrar un trato en Jujuy, Argentina. Para ello aterriza con su avioneta en un lugar del altiplano andino. Su misión es comprar cocaína para llevarla a su país. Pero algo sale mal, y Pedro queda herido, sin el dinero y sin la droga. Dos niños lugareños lo encontrarán y lo ayudarán...
La León
Deep in the lush river jungles of Argentina, Alvaro lives a solitary existence fishing and harvesting reeds. What sets him apart from the rest of his village is that he is gay. There are no other gay men in his world, his only means of expression is with the occasional outsider who passes through. Most of these men come via the river taxi El León, whose captain El Turu is a mean man with a homophobic streak and a secret. When illegal loggers appear in the jungle El Turu accuses Alvaro of aiding them, a dispute which leads both men towards confrontation.