Melissa Dougherty


Senior Escort Service
Completely distraught after the sudden loss of her dad, filmmaker Shaina Feinberg will do anything she can to connect to him again. She catalogues her dad's belongings - a calculator, a clock, a basket of lozenges. She forces her friends to wear his clothes and mimic his gestures. She takes a stab at making a webseries he'd always wanted to make - the name of which is "Senior Escort Service." And she combs through his journal, where she finds out about a process of dealing with grief that was invented by the grandchildren of nazis.
West of Hell
Property Master
Un pistolero, un ex esclavo vengativo y un fugitivo abordan un tren de medianoche hacia Atlanta. Descubren que el tren está invadido por una fuerza siniestra, y deben luchar para sobrevivir a la noche.