The film tells the story of Arnaldo, that to get rid of his miserable life, seeks of a clinic that promises to copy people. With a copy occupying his place, he would take a new life. But, when having his request denied, Arnaldo has no choice but to try and change the course of his history. When he falls in love with Josie, the clerk of a pet cemetery, Arnaldo believes that he found a chance to finally be happy. But maybe he's wrong. A Lone Man is an urban fable that addresses the complexity of relationships, with a good dose of irony, and humor.
Policial (segment "Dona Fulana")
Película rodada a modo de antología que está formada por diversas historias de amor unidas por un mismo fondo, en este caso la ciudad de Río de Janeiro.
Geir Matos
Commander Vasco Moscoso de Aragão entertains the small town of Periperi with the stories of his many adventures travelling around the world as a captain of the merchant navy. Stubborn Chico Pacheco is the only one in town who doesn't believe his tales.
Ambientada en el mundo de la élite social de Río de Janeiro, ‘Casa grande’ narra la historia de Jean, un adolescente rico que lucha por escapar de sus sobreprotectores padres, al tiempo que su familia entra en bancarrota. Su hogar de desmorona, y Jean debe hacer frente a todas las contradicciones posibles mientras se enamora de una chica más pobre que él.
Funcionário do Canil
The day a man almost runs-over a puppy, he meets the love of his life. The couple and their dog live the dream, until she wants out.
Después de un altercado en prisión, el excapitán Nascimento, ahora oficial de seguridad de alto rango en Río de Janeiro, se ve envuelto en una sangrienta disputa política que involucra a oficiales del gobierno y grupos paramilitares.
Sgt. Rocha
Inspirada en hechos reales del Batallón de Operaciones Policiales Especiales (BOPE). En 1997, el capitán Nascimento tiene que encontrara su sucesor, entre tanto continúa intentando limpiar las calles de Río de narcos y criminales antes de la llegada del Papa.