Leili Yahr


My Little Sister
President of the School Board
Lisa y Sven son una pareja de hermanos gemelos que viven separados entre Suiza y Alemania, muy lejos el uno del otro. Siguen caminos separados (ella, una dramaturga que no escribe, y él, un actor exitoso), hasta que Sven es diagnosticado con una agresiva leucemia. Esto empuja a Lisa a volver a su lado y tratar de mantenerlo vivo a través del teatro, a sabiendas de que intentarlo puede costarle su propio matrimonio.
Ambassade questions the role of diplomatic relations and territorial representation. Through the prism of the American hostage crisis in Iran between 1979 and 1981, this film focuses on Switzerland’s role as an intermediary in resolving this international conflict. Pascal Décosterd was a young Swiss diplomat sent to Tehran in 1979. Today, recently retired, he is embarking on a journey to try to understand the events of which he was one of the actors. Flavio Meroni was number 2 of the Swiss Embassy in Iran, today he is writing a book on negotiations to free the hostages. In their company we visit places in the United States, Iran and Switzerland, we meet the protagonists and retrace the different stages of these three years that shaped a new global balance. Behind the scenes of these events, where small and great history mingle, Ambassade offers insights into the importance of the human being at the heart of major diplomatic mechanisms.