Michael Schmid-Ospach


How Holocaust came to Television
At the beginning of 1979, after more than 30 years of collective repression, a dramatized and emotional US television miniseries ensured that the German population was suddenly reminded of the terrible Nazi crimes against the Jews. What is now expressed with the hitherto unknown word Holocaust, hits many millions of people in the heart. The unexpected echo and the audience reactions were fierce. Even before the TV broadcast neo-Nazis blasted in vain transmitting towers in Germany to prevent this. From the creation and the shooting over the broadcast to the tremendous reactions, documentary filmmaker Alice Agneskirchner tells the story of this emotional television event, which led to a paradigm shift in the perception of German Nazi crimes.
Una pareja sumida en el dolor se retira a una cabaña perdida en medio del bosque, llamada "Edén", con la esperanza de que el contacto con la naturaleza cure sus corazones rotos y su tambaleante matrimonio. Pero la naturaleza sigue su curso y las cosas empiezan a ir de mal en peor.
Palermo Shooting
Finn, un fotógrafo de fama internacional, lleva una vida trepidante que muchos envidian. Pero, de repente, sufre una crisis existencial y decide abandonarlo todo. Desde Düsseldorf llega a Palermo, donde se cruza en su camino un misterioso asesino. A partir de ese momento, empieza para él una nueva vida. (FILMAFFINITY)
In 1942 Bavaria, Eva is alone, when Adolf arrives with Josef, his wife Magda, and Martin to spend a couple of days without politics.