Renato Alvarado Plaza


Foley Mixer
En un viaje a la preservación botánica y cinematográfica, “Herbaria” explora, en sus procesos casi invisibles, las derivaciones artísticas y políticas que conectan los dos mundos. A partir de una narrativa donde el tiempo y el espacio parecen fundirse, las imágenes nos invitan al fascinante universo de preservar la belleza y la memoria de un mundo que insiste en desaparecer.
Un día en La Mezzetta
Documental filmado en la histórica pizzería porteña La Mezzetta.
Sound Director
Argentinian, 65 years old, single. Marcos makes arranges with the police, with inspectors and works for a textile businessman linked to major brands. His clandestine workshop works perfectly until he hire two illegal immigrants recently arrived from Bolivia.
On her 25th birthday, Natalia is a young mother who lives with her son in a rented room somewhere in La Boca. Her life passes between the care of her son Tomás, and the care of Rodolfo, an eighty-year-old man who is bedridden, and with his passport for most of the day.
On her 25th birthday, Natalia is a young mother who lives with her son in a rented room somewhere in La Boca. Her life passes between the care of her son Tomás, and the care of Rodolfo, an eighty-year-old man who is bedridden, and with his passport for most of the day.