Maria Laura Spagnoli


The Move
A man, wearing a female dress, has just moved into his new home. Beyond his humorous plot, 'the move' in this case also wants to represent another symbolic 'transfer': the restitution of dignity denied by the male world to the female, throughout the human history.
POW (Piss Off, War)
A soldier passes the time by drinking a hallucinogenic concoction, with unexpected -or perhaps expected- results.
Early morning. Two bisexual couples are resting after a night of passion.
Sex Equo (Sex in the Foreground)
After disobeying God and having visited the site of 'forbidden fruits', Adam and Eve are trying to regain the lost Eden.
Missing the Target
A shooter with a gun is not able to keep his concentration while he is training.
En busca de la tumba de Cristo
Script Supervisor
Tres años después de la Crucifixión de Jesús, se extiende el rumor de que el Nazareno es un profeta que ha resucitado de entre los muertos, lo que incita a la gente a rebelarse contra el gobierno de Roma. Para reprimir los disturbios, el Emperador Tiberio envía a Judea a Taurus, un leal oficial romano, para que encuentre a Jesús o, al menos, su tumba para acallar los rumores. El gobernador Poncio Pilato intenta por todos los medios impedir que Taurus siga adelante con su investigación, pero no podrá evitar que el enviado de Tiberio se vea involucrado en un laberinto de pasión y fe. (FILMAFFINITY)
A man falls for a woman in the underground. But it's going to take a lot of work to get her into bed.
Bare Ownership
A real estate agent shows an apartment to a possible buyer.