Seamus Healy


Against the backdrop of the bombing campaign in Britain and the Northern Ireland Hunger Strike, a young woman joins a terrorist operation which takes three people hostage. Over the days of their captivity, she questions her own involvement and the history of Ireland which has brought her to this point.
After 18 years as a friar, Peter is no longer sure of his vocation. It is a happy life, maybe too much so, and now he has met Clare. Will his doubts run away with him? Runaway friars are officially "fugitives" who must be persuaded back to their order. Author Sean Walsh fled the Franciscan order to become first a journalist, then a playwright and is now a radio drama producer in Ireland.
Brother Pius
Ambientada en un futuro próximo. Como consecuencia de un movimiento ecuménico (Concilio Vaticano IV), la Iglesia católica se ha unido a otras religiones y ha eliminado gran parte del dogma original del catolicismo. Un grupo de monjes irlandeses se rebelan contra esta situación y reaccionan volviendo al pasado: empiezan a decir la misa en latín y a actuar según el dogma católico tradicional. Así las cosas, Roma decide enviar a un representante (Martin Sheen) para que investigue lo que está ocurriendo
El hombre de Mackintosh
Countryman in Pub
Joseph (Paul Newman), un agente del Servicio de Inteligencia Británico, huye de la cárcel con un espía. Su misión consiste en infiltrarse en una red de espionaje para identificar y denunciar a sus miembros.