A romanticized biography based on testimonies and the trajectory of the great lady of the stage: Tônia Carrero (1922-2018). In this final show, the actress mirrors with the audience decisive moments in her life and career, immersing herself deeply in the whirlpool of her memory. Among facts and memories narrated with her strong personality, she ends up unveiling a hidden fragility, which demystifies the human being behind this great persona, who fought until the end for her talent to be recognized above her undeniable beauty.
Assistant Electrician
Rodada entre Brasil y España, “El peregrino: la mejor historia de Paulo Coelho” es un largometraje de ficción sobre la vida del célebre escritor. Pocos saben que la historia real de la vida de Paulo Coelho supera con creces la ficción. "El peregrino" narra su intensa e inspiradora vida antes de ser uno de los escritores más conocidos en todo el mundo.