Walter and Paola, presenter and godmother of the sixth Cantagiro, are involved in a misunderstanding: to dismiss a suitor, the presenter pretends to be married to Quattrini.
A finales del siglo XIX, en un pequeño pueblo italiano junto a un lago se recupera una antigua estatua. Pronto comienza una serie de crímenes y la gente supersticiosa del pueblo cree que la estatua lleva una antigua maldición.
A finales del siglo XIX, en un pequeño pueblo italiano junto a un lago se recupera una antigua estatua. Pronto comienza una serie de crímenes y la gente supersticiosa del pueblo cree que la estatua lleva una antigua maldición.
A girl from a country village goes to town and falls in love with a songwriter struggling for success. Soon however their life-paths go different ways and they split. Only for a short time naturally : a song he writes will help them to reunite.
A sort of best of popular comedy skits from previous films by various directors.
En el antiguo castillo de los Karnstein habitan el conde Ludwig y su hija Laura. La vida de la joven se ve alterada por constantes pesadillas relacionadas con la vieja leyenda que asegura que un antepasado de los Karnstein ha vuelto para vengar la muerte de los suyos acusados de brujería. El conde Ludwig invita al castillo a un joven científico, Fredrich Klauss, a fin de que descubra bajo qué personalidad se oculta la antepasada maldita, Sheena de Karnstein, y liberar así a su hija Laura de su infierno.
A young German comes to Rome on vacation and is not slow to win female hearts. When the game become dangerous due to a possible marriage, the young man returns to his homeland.
Spianelli's Lawyer (segment "Medico e fidanzata")
Un juez de Roma tiene que presidir los juicios de diferentes rateros y delincuentes romanos. Los casos y sus protagonistas serán de lo más variopintos y extraños. Dividida en cinco episodios: "La pretura", "La società calcistica", "Siciliani", "Suore" y "Medico e fidanzata".
Un tipo está a punto de convertirse en el ciudadano número un millón que se compra el coche en Roma. Asustado, decide seguir siendo peatón, y rememora varias historias, que tienen a nuevos propietarios de automóviles como protagonistas. Comedia por episodios, coproducida entre Italia y España y que en ambos países se hicieron diferentes versiones; el episodio de Franco y Ciccio solo sale en la italiana y el de José Luis López Vázquez, en la española.
En la bonita población costera de Ischia la gente toma el sol, se baña, descansa e intenta ligar con desesperación hasta que acaba el verano...
Benito, son of a fascist mayor, returned from the countryside of Russia, rebels against the family and joins a group of partisans.
Antonio, a former variety actor, keeps his daughter in an excellent boarding school by organizing small scams with his friend and colleague Felice. Commissioner Malvasia good-naturedly persecuted him. When their respective unsuspecting children fall in love, the two fathers make peace.
In fascist Italy, Urbano Marangoni aspires to become Corazziere, like his late father, but it is a dream destined not to come true because of his short stature.
A low level official and a prostitute both try to commit suicide and fail, afterwards he becomes a pimp and the prostitutes take over the country.
Lieutenant Bombardone is in Paris to wipe out a gang of drug traffickers.
Peppino, sastre y avaro, prefiere dedicarse a recuperar a los hijos de sus amigos que a la guapa Wanda, que se quiere casar con él. En París conoce a una americana y pierde la cabeza. Picantes y patéticas peripecias de un grupo de amigos, típicos representantes de una cierta pequeña burguesía romana, que tratan de practicar la "dolce vita" a pequeña escala.
El financiero Bruscatelli atropella a un hombre y le indemniza con 100 mil liras, pero no en efectivo, sino con un pagaré, "la forma de pago del futuro". Justo cuando el hombre se va con el documento, Bruscatelli es detenido con una orden de captura por estafa. Sin saberlo por sus poseedores, el pagaré pasa de mano en mano, ya que la gente no se fía de esta moderna forma de pago, tratando de deshacerse de ella lo más rápido posible.
Roger Moretti es un padre de familia romano, parlachín, algo tosco y de clase media-baja, nada que ver con la clientela de clase alta que suele ir al complejo turístico de Cortina D'Ampezzo donde Roger ha ido con su hija, gracias al premio conseguido por ella en un concurso de la televisión. Sobreprotector con su hija preadolescente, intentará con poco éxito hacer amistad con una condesa que le mira por encima del hombro. También se cuentan las historias de más huéspedes del hotel; una diva del cine, un joven deportista que trata de conquistar a una mujer desatendida por su marido...
Sabrina is a beautiful thief, one who happens to have seven moles on her thigh, forming the constellation Ursa Minor; this is the only clue German police have to solve a recent robbery. Teo is a photographer looking for a pair of beautiful legs to participate in a photo contest. When he secretly takes a photo of Sabrina's legs, including the telltale moles, Sabrina has to get it back at any cost, something which brings her into dangerous proximity with the smitten Teo. Romance and assorted hijinx ensue.
El vagabundo Totó vive en su árbol con vista panorámica. Un día, como por arte de magia, una misteriosa gitana le pone de camino a París. Allí se convertirá en el rico barón de Chemantel, cortejado por una hermosa mujer e invitado a los locales más exclusivos. No es un sueño, ni tampoco locura, es el plan criminal del verdadero barón asociado con un fino ladrón.
An ambitious French girl who moved to Italy to be an actress cannot break through and then opts for a normal life.
An ambitious French girl who moved to Italy to be an actress cannot break through and then opts for a normal life.
A television broadcast launches a proclamation for amateurs: "If you know how to speak, you will know how to sing". The award mirage lured many person, with ambitions or financial problems, to enroll in the competition.
The fake private detective Mike Spillone is hired by two old ladies to find out if Brigitte, the wife of their nephew Otello Bellomo, has a lover. Brigitte is a physician but the two aunts are unaware of the fact. While investigating, Mike and his assistant Johnny discover Brigitte with a prospective patient, the marquis De Vitti who was shot by the husband of the woman he tried to seduce. Afterwards Spillone finds her with her husband who he believes to be her lover.
Antonio and Peppino live in a small town in central Italy: Peppino is the barber, Totò is maintained by the rich but avaricious wife Teresa.
Antonio, Peppino y Lucia son tres hermanos que viven en el campo, cerca de Nápoles. El hijo de Lucia, Gianni, se va a Nápoles a estudiar medicina, y allí conocerá a una bailarina de la que se enamora. Su madre y sus tíos no ven con buenos ojos esta relación, e intentarán separarlos.
The penniless Duke decides to participate in "Lascia o raddoppia", a TV quiz show, in order to win five million lira. Then two gangsters bet between themselves on his success and, alas, the Duke is kidnapped.
Antonio Buonocore, portero de un edificio en Roma, casado con una alemana y con dos hijos, se encuentra por casualidad asistiendo al señor Andrea en su lecho de muerte. Éste le confiesa que está en posesión de material para fabricar billetes de diez mil liras, ya que fue empleado del Banco de Italia, y lo robó para vengarse por su despido y fabricar así billetes falsos. Pero nunca tuvo el valor de hacerlo y ahora le pide a Buonocore que se deshaga de ello. Pero el portero está atravesando un mal momento: persona muy honrada, se ha negado a ser cómplice del nuevo administrador del edificio, por lo que ahora su despido parece inminente. Así, no se deshace del material, pero ignorante de los métodos para estampar los billetes, pedirá ayuda a Lo Turco y Cardone.
After a difficult eye operation, Simonetta, an Italian-American girl, returns for a vacation in Florence, the home town of her family. Here he meets Alberto, a sculptor.
Totò Esposito es un actor, pícaro y desastre por igual, que distingue a la humanidad en dos: los hombres, y los caporali; estos últimos son "aquellos que explotan y oprimen, que maltratan y humillan, desde una posición de poder, a menudo no merecida". Así, recuerda a los caporali con los que se ha cruzado en su vida, todos interpretados por Paolo Stoppa. (FILMAFFINITY)
Totò Esposito es un actor, pícaro y desastre por igual, que distingue a la humanidad en dos: los hombres, y los caporali; estos últimos son "aquellos que explotan y oprimen, que maltratan y humillan, desde una posición de poder, a menudo no merecida". Así, recuerda a los caporali con los que se ha cruzado en su vida, todos interpretados por Paolo Stoppa. (FILMAFFINITY)
Cinematic version of Rossini's opera in which Count Almaviva wins the heart of beautiful Rosina with the help of Figaro, the barber of Seville.
Sor Clemente tries to avoid an underwater fishing trip together with his authoritarian wife's friends and pretends to be ill. Left alone in the villa he's left in the company of a friend and a butler.
Sor Clemente tries to avoid an underwater fishing trip together with his authoritarian wife's friends and pretends to be ill. Left alone in the villa he's left in the company of a friend and a butler.
After several attempts at suicide, depressed thief Antonio Marchi accidentally drowns in a river and ends up in hell.
After several attempts at suicide, depressed thief Antonio Marchi accidentally drowns in a river and ends up in hell.
The story of an honest young man entangled by a night singer in the Camorra.
The story of an honest young man entangled by a night singer in the Camorra.
Sor Clemente escapes the surveillance of his wife and goes to attend a variety show.
Alvaro hunts for a treasure, of which he owns only half the map.
Alvaro hunts for a treasure, of which he owns only half the map.
A jockey buys his favorite horse.
Combining musical and dance numbers with comedy sketches (performed by members of The Armando Curcio Company and The Gauthier Ballet Troupe)without any plot, this is more of a revue than a movie, along the lines of The Ed Sullivan television series in the U.S.
Anna's Sin tells the story of a black American actor (Johnson) who falls in love with a white woman playing Desdemona to his Othello on the Italian stage.
Anna's Sin tells the story of a black American actor (Johnson) who falls in love with a white woman playing Desdemona to his Othello on the Italian stage.
Venice FilmFestival 1952
Venice FilmFestival 1952
Saverio Luparello is the manager of Sicilian baron Occipinti's estate. The cunning greedy man intentionally lets the land turn into a wasteland, hoping that his employer, discouraged by its low returns, will sell his earth to him for next to nothing. His plans are thwarted by a share cropper, Diego Costa, who farms his lot zealously and to good results.
En un castillo, algunos actores son invitados de un duque. Sucede que un precioso cinturón de castidad, herencia familiar, desaparece por culpa de un ladrón. Los actores, encabezados por el emprendedor comediante, que mientras tanto se enamora de la hija del duque, logran encontrar la reliquia.
Gianni Alberti is a journalist who is sent to Palestine. He decides to fake a fatal accident so he can then return home as a hero. But things don't turn out as planned, Gianni end up coming back to Italy, but only as a ghost.
Gianni Alberti is a journalist who is sent to Palestine. He decides to fake a fatal accident so he can then return home as a hero. But things don't turn out as planned, Gianni end up coming back to Italy, but only as a ghost.
Bianca, a rich heiress, being an orphan, lives in her palace with her guardian uncle and cousin Olga.
Bianca, a rich heiress, being an orphan, lives in her palace with her guardian uncle and cousin Olga.
Bianca, a rich heiress, being an orphan, lives in her palace with her guardian uncle and cousin Olga.
Il barone Lo Vasto
Un joven juez es enviado al pequeño pueblo siciliano de Capodarso. Su misión será aplicar la ley en una comunidad acostumbrada a regirse por las reglas de la mafia y a vivir en un estado permanente de inseguridad. Sin embargo, pronto tropezará con la corrupción y la falta de colaboración por parte de los vecinos.
A famous painting by Antonello da Messina, "the man with a gray glove", has been entrusted to an old restorer. When, subsequently, the painting is withdrawn from the restorer's studio and exposed, the art critic Drago discovers that it is not the original, but a copy.
A famous painting by Antonello da Messina, "the man with a gray glove", has been entrusted to an old restorer. When, subsequently, the painting is withdrawn from the restorer's studio and exposed, the art critic Drago discovers that it is not the original, but a copy.
Un músico no puede hacer que su música sea apreciada, mientras que sus habilidades como cantante, que generalmente no considera, son bien vistas por todos. Es una persona muy sensible pero al mismo tiempo muy temerosa en relacionarse con el otro sexo. Un amigo le anima a no perder la esperanza diciéndole que encontrará a su compañera cuando sus hijos, ya existentes en la mente de Dios, elijan a la que será su madre; de esto surgen una serie de vicisitudes que llevarán al protagonista a encontrarse con su futura esposa.
Claudio y Anna Tancredi, cantantes de ópera, son marido y mujer. Su vida matrimonial, sin embargo, a menudo se ve perturbada por pequeños malentendidos y los ardientes celos de Anna.
Naples of the early twentieth century. A thug keeps a girl completely submissive and, having discovered that she is the daughter of a nobleman, tries to blackmail the father.
Naples of the early twentieth century. A thug keeps a girl completely submissive and, having discovered that she is the daughter of a nobleman, tries to blackmail the father.
Luisa's dreams of love comes true in a hotel in the mountains.
Luisa's dreams of love comes true in a hotel in the mountains.
The owner of a cosmetics factory has made a contract with Radio Sibilla for the transmission of an evening program in which the products of his company are advertised.
Il signore con l'auto (uncredited)
In a post-war Rome (1946) a cat burglar inadvertently saves the life of a would-be suicide man who returns from the war to find that he has been betrayed by his fiancée while fighting in the war. From that moment the thief takes the ex-soldier under his wing. They leave house together for a night full of misadventures. In a streets of Rome they meet the struggling typist who can’t pay her rent and opts to street life; a wandering amnesiac who lost his memory and keeps asking everyone “Do you recognize me?”. Thieves, gamblers, hookers, policemen, soldiers and endless chain of cigarette-smoking and alcohol/espresso-drinking.
Un marinero, Paolo, se enamora de una chica llamada Luisa conocida gracias a un amigo. Los dos,después de algunos eventos, se casan, pero el día del matrimonio la mujer sufre un grave accidente automovilístico. El hombre trata de olvidar al amor perdido perdiéndose a sí mismo en el alcohol, pero un día conoce a una mujer, Rita, que se parece mucho a la chica de la que se había enamorado locamente.
Un marinero, Paolo, se enamora de una chica llamada Luisa conocida gracias a un amigo. Los dos,después de algunos eventos, se casan, pero el día del matrimonio la mujer sufre un grave accidente automovilístico. El hombre trata de olvidar al amor perdido perdiéndose a sí mismo en el alcohol, pero un día conoce a una mujer, Rita, que se parece mucho a la chica de la que se había enamorado locamente.
A husband states that a possible betrayal of his wife, he would kill her without mercy. The case is that his hypothesis turns into a presumed reality.
A husband states that a possible betrayal of his wife, he would kill her without mercy. The case is that his hypothesis turns into a presumed reality.
1875. After completing her studies in boarding school, the young Duchess Anna Castellani, returns home and meets by chance a friend of her father, a count much older than herself.
This film relates the story of Russian Princess Fedora (Louise Ferida), in Czarist times, whose royal lover is assassinated on the eve of their marriage. She pledges vengeance, only to become the victim of her vow when she falls in love again.
This film relates the story of Russian Princess Fedora (Louise Ferida), in Czarist times, whose royal lover is assassinated on the eve of their marriage. She pledges vengeance, only to become the victim of her vow when she falls in love again.
This film relates the story of Russian Princess Fedora (Louise Ferida), in Czarist times, whose royal lover is assassinated on the eve of their marriage. She pledges vengeance, only to become the victim of her vow when she falls in love again.
Giovanna leaves her husband and son for a short holiday and casually finds an old boyfriend in trouble.
Giovanna leaves her husband and son for a short holiday and casually finds an old boyfriend in trouble.
A good lady, taken by the fear of getting old, gives herself to the frivolities of worldly life.
When she is in jail to defend her colleague, the secretary Anna Alessandri finds out that her man got engaged to another woman.
When she is in jail to defend her colleague, the secretary Anna Alessandri finds out that her man got engaged to another woman.
When she is in jail to defend her colleague, the secretary Anna Alessandri finds out that her man got engaged to another woman.
In Naples in the second half of the nineteenth century, a young noblewoman falls in love with a nobleman of ill repute.
In Naples in the second half of the nineteenth century, a young noblewoman falls in love with a nobleman of ill repute.
In the eighteenth-century Rome, Don Pasquale Corneto, wants his young nephew Ernesto, dedicated to a wasteful social life, to marry a rich spinster, both to save on the expenses of his maintenance and to increase the family heritage.
In the eighteenth-century Rome, Don Pasquale Corneto, wants his young nephew Ernesto, dedicated to a wasteful social life, to marry a rich spinster, both to save on the expenses of his maintenance and to increase the family heritage.
A young man, despite his qualification, can not find work and, after several attempts, asks a classmate, who is secretary of the President of an important Hungarian bank, to make him have a desk in his room and to do so pass for an employee.
After finding a train ticket on the ground, the young Paolo decides to go by train to Venice, where he meets Clara, a beautiful girl.
After finding a train ticket on the ground, the young Paolo decides to go by train to Venice, where he meets Clara, a beautiful girl.
A famous American director is looking for a special type of girl he needs to play in his next film.
A young man from the provinces who inherited a certain sum, decides to go to Rome to devote himself to the cinematographic activity.
The rich banker Rosen of Livorno fear that the Bonapartist will take all his gold, so he is hiding it inside a cuckoo clock.
In order to encourage the young maestro Vernieri not to break down after the first failures, the director of the theater "La Scala" in Milan tells two significant episodes concerning the theater.
In order to encourage the young maestro Vernieri not to break down after the first failures, the director of the theater "La Scala" in Milan tells two significant episodes concerning the theater.
Bebe, a handsome and rich young man, is getting engaged with Letizia, a young heir to a noble family.
Bebe, a handsome and rich young man, is getting engaged with Letizia, a young heir to a noble family.